with Dr. Carlos de León
Dates: October 25, 2018 to October 15, 2019
Do you want to transform and heal unconscious patterns of neurosis, limitations, pain and suffering? Body-Mind Reconnection Therapy is a process of deep discovery, acceptance, and transformation of neurotic imprints and karmic patterns from this and other lifetimes.
The Body-Mind Reconnection Therapy Program presents the principles and vision of Ontogonic Therapy, exploring both the theoretical and the experiential facets of a complete therapeutic experience. Reconnection is a profound process of transformation and healing, and it is for anyone who wants to learn Body-Mind techniques for personal growth and/or professional development. This intensive is ‘Year One’ of a Three-Year Diploma Program and is a prerequisite for anyone interested in becoming an Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapist.
“We must give time to listen and enter into a dialogue between the mind and the wisdom of the body, so we can reconnect and recover what we have lost…”
– Dr. Carlos de León
Program Content:
Program Objectives:
- Explore the vision and learn the principles of Ontogonic Therapy and what it has to offer as an expansion of therapeutic skills and as an avenue for personal growth and healing;
- Learn practical applications of spiritual and psychological technology which facilitate self-knowledge and help integrate the divided self;
- Experience the powerful process of Neural Field Reconnection, a fundamental requisite for professional training in Ontogonic Therapy, as it provides a strong foundation for all forms of personal growth work;
- Discover a therapeutic path addressing the Humanistic, Transpersonal and Holistic aspects of the individual: i.e. Body, Mind, Energy, Emotion, and Spirit.
Please Note: While this program is the basic prerequisite for further training in this field and for the possibility of certification, attendance in the Body-Mind Reconnection Therapy Program, does not guarantee acceptance into the following levels of training. Dr. Carlos de León reserves the right to assess and determine appropriateness and compatibility on an individual basis.
If you are interested in applying for the Reconnection Program starting on October 25, 2018, we invite you to complete the OMBT1 Application Form and forward it to info@ontogony.com
Dr. Carlos de León, the founder of Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
Module I: Thursday thru Tuesday, October 25 to 30, 2018
Module II: Thursday thru Tuesday, January 17 to 22, 2019
Module III: Thursday thru Tuesday, April 4 to 9, 2019
Module IV: Friday thru Wednesday, August 2 to 7, 2019
Module V: Thursday thru Tuesday, October 10 to 15, 2019
Times: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Location: Ontogony Centre, 2667 West Broadway, Vancouver BC
Program Format: One-Year Growth Group of 5 Intensive Modules
Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars:
A – Payment Plan Early Bird Fee: $6,500 + GST ($6,825), after June 25, 2018 ~ $7,000 + GST ($7,350)
- $650 + GST ($682.50) is due on or before June 25, 2018, & 9 equal monthly payments will be payable on the 15th of each month starting July 2018 to March 2019
- $700 + GST ($735) is due after June 25, 2018, & 9 equal monthly payments will be payable on the 15th of each month starting July 2018 to March 2019, or the fee will be prorated if enrolment for the program is completed after July 15, 2018
- $1,000 + GST ($1,050) is due on or before June 25, 2018, and balance of $5,000 + GST ($5,250) will be payable on July 25, 2018. After this date, full payment is required for this option.
- $1,500 + GST is due at the time of registration post the date of June 25, 2018, and balance of $5,000 + GST will be payable one month after the date of registration, paid in full by July 25, 2018.
B – Payment in Full Early Bird Fee: $6,000 + GST ($6,300), after June 25, 2018 ~ $6,500 + GST ($6,825)
Please Note: To secure your space in the program we require the deposit fee along with your online application before August 25, 2018. We expect the program to be sold out, therefore should you require a special payment plan to attend the program, please contact us and we will arrange a personal meeting with our Administrative Financial Officer.
“A life-changing experience and a blessing. The deepest journey towards self-discovery that I have lived. The principles of Ontogonic Therapy are tools for life that I am already integrating: love, awareness, and trust in the flow, acceptance of what is, and the beauty of sharing and witnessing the process with others that have become mirrors and catalysts for our own growth and transformation…”
“I feel renewed and grateful for the Reconnection Program. It provided me with a unique experience and gave me the key to my inner wisdom…”
“This is the most transformative experience of my life. I wish that everyone could have the opportunity to live this process at some point in their life…”
“It has been a wonderful experience…the warmth and joy of sharing and the strong confrontation with ‘myself”. What a blessing to have Carlos as our Teacher and Guide on this path…”
This therapy process has changed my life as I removed the veils that covered my vision of myself. I got the courage to make the changes in my life that I needed to, and now I am filled with happiness and enthusiasm…”
Disponible online ~ ¡Acceso bajo demanda!con Tessy Bardavid
Estos programas en línea presentan una serie de prácticas de Chi Kung para la sanación, la transformación y la liberación. El Chi Kung de los 7 Lotos es un sistema de manejo de energía desarrollado por el Dr. Carlos de León, creador de Ontogony.
El Chi Kung de los 7 Lotos combina posturas, respiración, movimientos y meditación, junto con métodos de visualización y vocalización, ofreciendo un aumento simple y efectivo en claridad, energía, conciencia y buena salud. Hay 7 niveles progresivos en este sistema, cada uno construyendo mayor capacidad y bienestar.
Los programas del Primer y Segundo Loto ofrecen una serie de ejercicios para abrir canales básicos, incluidos los centros de energía de las manos y los pies, al mismo tiempo que limpia y fortalece la energía vital y mejora la salud general. Tras la integración de la práctica del Primer Loto, estás invitado a continuar tu viaje con la secuencia del Segundo Loto, el cual activa los chakras principales, equilibra los tres doshas y desarrolla Chi en espiral. Cuando la energía es limpia, poderosa y se combina con una motivación amorosa, tenemos un verdadero contacto con la vida y con estados de expansión y claridad.
Objetivos del programa:
- Explorar los efectos de mejorar la salud, la longevidad y la armonía de los cuerpos físicos y sutiles a través de la práctica de Chi Kung.
- Sentir los beneficios del desarrollo del arraigo y la apertura de los sentidos.
- Aprender cómo este sistema de Chi Kung mejora el flujo de energía dentro y alrededor del cuerpo.
- Descubrir cómo al profundizar en la conciencia y la respiración ayuda a controlar el estrés en la vida diaria.
- Experimentar cómo, al integrar el inconsciente en la conciencia, abrimos nuestro flujo interno de energía y preparamos el cuerpo para un mayor desarrollo espiritual.
Primer Loto ~ Acceso bajo demanda en el aula Ontogony:
Clases de práctica del programa Primer Loto Chi Kung:
- Primera Clase: Video de Práctica del Primer Loto.
- Segunda Clase: Ejercicios de Chi Kung de calentamiento.
- Tercera Clase: Práctica secuencial (1).
- Cuarta Clase: Práctica secuencial (2).
Clases teóricas del Primer Loto Chi Kung:
- Primera Clase: Introducción al Camino de los 7 Lotos.
- Segunda Clase: Recomendaciones para la Práctica de Chi Kung.
Clases de práctica del programa Segundo Loto Chi Kung:
- Primera Clase: Video de Práctica del Segundo Loto: Abrir, activar y armonizar el sistema de chakras.
- Segunda Clase: Video de Práctica del Segundo Loto: Desbloqueando y activando el flujo de energía de los Meridianos Extraordinarios.
- Tercera Clase: Video de Práctica del Segundo Loto: Posturas de los ocho soles.
Clases teóricas del Segundo Loto Chi Kung:
- Primera Clase: Segundo Loto Chi Kung Recomendaciones para la práctica.
- Segunda Clase: Consciencia en el Manejo de Energía.
- Tercera Clase: Energía: Tipos, niveles y aplicaciones en la práctica de Chi Kung.
- Cuarta Clase: Sistema de Chakras y Kundalini
- Quinta Clase: Visión Ayurveda y Doshas.
- Sexta Clase: Tratak.
Clases de práctica del Tercer Loto Chi Kung:
Primera clase: Video de práctica del Tercer Loto ~ Resumen de la práctica completa
Clases teóricas del Tercer Loto Chi Kung:
Primera clase: Tercer Loto Chi Kung Recomendaciones para la práctica
Obtén más información sobre el Chi Kung de los 7 Lotos, un sistema de manejo de energía creado por el Dr. Carlos de León, quien recibió las enseñanzas y prácticas personalmente de maestros excepcionales de diversas tradiciones orientales y occidentales.
En esta presentación, Tessy Bardavid presenta una visión del camino de desarrollo de energía dee los 7 Lotos. Este profundo sistema de Chi Kung fue desarrollado por el Dr. Carlos de León, creador de Ontogony.
Clase online gratuita: Refuerza tu sistema inmunológico con Chi Kung
Aprende una serie de prácticas taoístas de Chi Kung para mejorar tu sistema inmunológico, y fortalecer y armonizar el flujo de energía en los órganos internos.
Con cerca de 25 años de experiencia como instructora de Chi Kung, Tessy Bardavid es autora de cinco libros publicados, dos de ellos sobre Chi Kung. Ha estudiado con el Dr. Carlos de León desde 1992 y ha dedicado su vida al desarrollo humano en la educación formal y no formal.
Tessy también es instructora de diferentes estilos de artes marciales desde 1995; Kung Fu de la Grulla Blanca Tibetana, Kung Fu de los 5 Animales Blancos de Shaolin. Es psicoterapeuta corporal y transpersonal y ofrece talleres de motivación y trabajo en equipo en empresas y grupos deportivos basados en el desarrollo del SER.
Interesada desde la infancia en la salud, la claridad, el flujo de energía y el espíritu, ha ha sido una aprendiz de la vida y afirma que desde 1993 el Chi Kung ha sido una herramienta fundamental en su día a día.
Debido a que la inspiración de Tessy es el SER HUMANO, ella facilita con alegría los procesos que nos permiten vivir con más placer, armonía, amor y claridad.
Formato y contenido: Videos de práctica y teóricos
Fecha de lanzamiento online: 18 de junio de 2020
Acceso online: Acceso bajo demanda al aula virtual de Ontogony durante un año desde el momento de la inscripción.
Los siguientes requisitos previos son necesarios para comenzar con la inscripción para los Programas de los 7 Lotos Chi Kung:
1. Soy consciente de que el avance a la siguiente secuencia en el Programa de los 7 Lotos se otorga cuando he completado los "Requisitos previos para la inscripción y el avance del nivel Chi Kung", como se describe en la siguiente sección de la página del programa.
2. Entiendo completamente que no hay reembolsos, ya que se puede acceder a los materiales del curso para verlos y revisarlos en cualquier momento.
3. Acepto los términos y condiciones y el compromiso con el programa completo, y el pago de la matrícula completa. Cumpliré con mi plan de pago para el cual me comprometo al momento de la inscripción hasta que el monto final se pague en su totalidad.
4. Si en algún momento requiriera poner mi plan de pago en espera o requerir asistencia financiera debido a circunstancias imprevistas, me comunicaré con el Administrador Financiero de Ontogony para reevaluar mi plan. Soy consciente de que esto puede resultar en una suspensión temporal del programa que se reactivará al retomar mis pagos.
5. Estoy de acuerdo en proporcionar una tarjeta de crédito para el pago de mi plan financiero y entiendo que la información está alojada en un portal web seguro y está protegida ya que una vez ingresada la información se oculta para su máxima seguridad.
6. Acepto respetar la privacidad de todo el contenido compartido por Tessy Bardavid, y soy consciente de que los derechos de autor pertenecen a Ontogony Evolution LTD. Entiendo que los materiales del curso: los videos de práctica y teóricos en el aula de Ontogony tienen la función de solo acceso bajo demanda.
1. He completado las prácticas y la revisión teórica de los niveles de prerrequisitos necesarios para avanzar a la siguiente secuencia de Lotus Chi Kung.
2. Envié el cuestionario completo a info@ontogony.com según lo requerido para esta secuencia y lo envié para su aprobación por Tessy Bardavid y Ontogony Evolution Ltd. HAZ CLIC AQUÍ PARA DESCARGAR EL CUESTIONARIO.
3. He realizado una revisión personal con Tessy Bardavid y he sido aprobado para continuar con mi inscripción al siguiente nivel del programa secuencial del Sistema 7 Lotus de Chi Kung.
Los precios son en dólares canadienses (CAD) e incluyen GST (impuestos sobre bienes y servicios)
OFERTA ESPECIAL: Paquete del Primer, Segundo y Tercer Loto:
Primer Loto: Apertura de canales básicos, centros de energía de manos y pies, limpieza y fortificación de energía vital, mejora de la relajación y la salud en general.
Segundo Loto: Abrir y activar los chakras principales, equilibrar los tres doshas, abrir nuevos canales y activar Chi en espiral.
Tercer Loto: Fortalecer los músculos, aumentar la flexibilidad, desintoxicar el cuerpo, aflojar la estructura del cuerpo y equilibrar los hemisferios.
A – Oferta especial del Primer, Segundo, y Tercer Loto Pago Completo: $335 CAD; a pagar al momento de la inscripción.
B – Oferta especial del Primer, Segundo y Tercer Loto Plan de Pago (tres cuotas): $385 CAD. El primer pago de $128.33 CAD a pagar al momento de la inscripción; más 2 pagos iguales de $128.33 CAD, a pagar del 15 de los dos meses siguientes
El acceso al programa completo está activo durante un año a partir de la fecha de registro
Si te has registrado para este Paquete y deseas renovar tu acceso a cualquiera de los programas incluidos en el paquete, haz clic en los siguientes enlaces para registrarte con la cuota de renovación de acceso para cada programa individual:
Programa secuencial online: Primer Loto Chi Kung
Programa secuencial online: Segundo Loto Chi Kung
Programa secuencial online: Tercer Loto Chi Kung
- Dispositivo (PC, MAC, tableta o teléfono)
- Conexión de Internet (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);
- Altavoces (dispositivo, conector USB, Bluetooth);
- Si necesitas ayuda técnica, por favor escríbenos a support@ontogony.com.
Por favor asegúrate de tener los siguientes requisitos técnicos para poder participar en una reunión de Zoom: https://support.zoom.us/hc/es/articles/201362023-Requisitos-del-sistema-para-PC-Mac-y-Linux
"La clase de qigong con Tessy es mágica, es un regalo del universo. Es un despertar de sensaciones que antes no sentía, es conexión con uno mismo y con todo lo que nos rodea. Me encanta, entre más lo hago, más quiero aprender y seguir abriéndome a ese sentir y fluir con todo. Tessy es una maestra alegre, paciente, dulce y con mucho conocimiento! Agradezco todas sus enseñanzas!" V. Kusu
"Tengo 10 años practicando Chi Kung, ha sido un descubrimiento maravilloso el como esta disciplina ayuda: al cuerpo físico a recuperar y mantener la salud, a explorar la alegría y el gozo interno de la conexión con la naturaleza y el mundo sutil, así como al autoconocimiento interior. Tessy es una excelente instructora su experiencia de muchos años, su dedicación y amor a la práctica hacen de sus clases sesiones profundas y bellas que permiten sentir la plenitud del momento presente". M. Cruz
"Después de mucho tiempo de buscar un espacio donde me sintiera a gusto finalmente llegue a esta clase, la cual llevo practicando 3 años. He aprendido mucho lo cual me ha ayudado a profundizar en mi crecimiento espiritual. Ha sido la puerta que abrió un cambio en mi vida. No me comprometía con alguna clase de este tipo. Hoy en día espero la clase de Chi kung con mucha emoción y hago todo lo posible por llegar ya que la conexión y la paz que encuentro difícilmente la hay en otro espacio". E. Sevilla
"La práctica de Qi Gong es una experiencia sublime por la cual he logrado integrar en mi cuerpo, Es una forma de incrementar mi energía de una manera sutil y poderosa. Tessy es una maestra que te va llevando de la mano en la enseñanza, transmite su sabiduría desde el amor por lo que le estoy muy agradecida". A. Martínez
"La práctica de 7 lotos fue para mí una linda aventura, la disfruté enormemente. Pude experimentar una transformación de mi energía y mi conciencia. Entre otros frutos el chi kung me ayuda siempre a sentirme bien, más energizada, de mejor humor y con más capacidad de observación. Tessy es una gran maestra, muy dedicada, presente, que te invita a transformar cada clase en una experiencia única". I. Bronsoiler
"Las clases de Chi kung son excelentes y han ayudado a una mejor integración de mi energía. Recomiendo ampliamente este programa ya que con la práctica se logra el avance y beneficio en la vida diaria. Tessy es excelente instructora y sus clases son dinámicas, claras y muy hermosas. Agradezco ser su alumna y poder aprender de sus profundos conocimientos". L. Catán
"Tengo 10 años haciendo chi-kung con Tessy. me ha dado equilibrio en mis emociones, paz mental, fortalecimiento en mi cuerpo físico, y he adquirido un estado de consciencia cada vez más expandido. Tessy es una extraordinaria maestra llena de paciencia, compasión, y divertida.es un ser humano que todo lo que ella enseña en sus clases ella lo lleva acabo en su vida diaria. Ha sido un viaje maravilloso que siempre salgo de la clase feliz y gozosa. ¡Los invito a que se den el regalo de probar!" Ch. Arouesty
"El Chi Kung ha sido una experiencia de reconectar con mi cuerpo, su flujo y empezar a reconocerme desde nuevas posibilidades. La práctica me ha dado más vitalidad y armonía y me ha permitido hacer más contacto con mi vida. Tessy comparte su clase con tal gozo y claridad que te va invitando a reconocer el flujo de energía dentro de ti, abrirlo y alcanzar estados de bienestar en todas nuestras dimensiones". K. Chavez
Disponible online ~ ¡Acceso bajo demanda!con Tessy Bardavid
Estos programas en línea presentan una serie de prácticas de Chi Kung para la sanación, la transformación y la liberación. El Chi Kung de los 7 Lotos es un sistema de manejo de energía desarrollado por el Dr. Carlos de León, creador de Ontogony.
El Chi Kung de los 7 Lotos combina posturas, respiración, movimientos y meditación, junto con métodos de visualización y vocalización, ofreciendo un aumento simple y efectivo en claridad, energía, conciencia y buena salud. Hay 7 niveles progresivos en este sistema, cada uno construyendo mayor capacidad y bienestar.
Los programas del Primer y Segundo Loto ofrecen una serie de ejercicios para abrir canales básicos, incluidos los centros de energía de las manos y los pies, al mismo tiempo que limpia y fortalece la energía vital y mejora la salud general. Tras la integración de la práctica del Primer Loto, estás invitado a continuar tu viaje con la secuencia del Segundo Loto, el cual activa los chakras principales, equilibra los tres doshas y desarrolla Chi en espiral. Cuando la energía es limpia, poderosa y se combina con una motivación amorosa, tenemos un verdadero contacto con la vida y con estados de expansión y claridad.
Objetivos del programa:
- Explorar los efectos de mejorar la salud, la longevidad y la armonía de los cuerpos físicos y sutiles a través de la práctica de Chi Kung.
- Sentir los beneficios del desarrollo del arraigo y la apertura de los sentidos.
- Aprender cómo este sistema de Chi Kung mejora el flujo de energía dentro y alrededor del cuerpo.
- Descubrir cómo al profundizar en la conciencia y la respiración ayuda a controlar el estrés en la vida diaria.
- Experimentar cómo, al integrar el inconsciente en la conciencia, abrimos nuestro flujo interno de energía y preparamos el cuerpo para un mayor desarrollo espiritual.
Primer Loto:
Clases de práctica del programa Primer Loto Chi Kung ~ Acceso bajo demanda en el aula Ontogony:
- Primera Clase: Video de Práctica del Primer Loto.
- Segunda Clase: Ejercicios de Chi Kung de calentamiento.
- Tercera Clase: Práctica secuencial (1).
- Cuarta Clase: Práctica secuencial (2).
Clases teóricas del Primer Loto Chi Kung ~ Acceso bajo demanda en el aula Ontogony:
- Primera Clase: Introducción al Camino de los 7 Lotos.
- Segunda Clase: Recomendaciones para la Práctica de Chi Kung.
Segundo Loto:
Clases de práctica del programa Segundo Loto Chi Kung ~ Acceso bajo demanda en el aula Ontogony:
Práctica de la secuencia del Segundo Loto en línea (1)
Clases teóricas del Segundo Loto Chi Kung ~ Acceso bajo demanda en el aula Ontogony:
Clase Teórica del Segundo Loto (1)
Obtén más información sobre el Chi Kung de los 7 Lotos, un sistema de manejo de energía creado por el Dr. Carlos de León, quien recibió las enseñanzas y prácticas personalmente de maestros excepcionales de diversas tradiciones orientales y occidentales.
En esta presentación, Tessy Bardavid presenta una visión del camino de desarrollo de energía dee los 7 Lotos. Este profundo sistema de Chi Kung fue desarrollado por el Dr. Carlos de León, creador de Ontogony.
Clase online gratuita: Refuerza tu sistema inmunológico con Chi Kung
Aprende una serie de prácticas taoístas de Chi Kung para mejorar tu sistema inmunológico, y fortalecer y armonizar el flujo de energía en los órganos internos.
Con cerca de 25 años de experiencia como instructora de Chi Kung, Tessy Bardavid es autora de cinco libros publicados, dos de ellos sobre Chi Kung. Ha estudiado con el Dr. Carlos de León desde 1992 y ha dedicado su vida al desarrollo humano en la educación formal y no formal.
Tessy también es instructora de diferentes estilos de artes marciales desde 1995; Kung Fu de la Grulla Blanca Tibetana, Kung Fu de los 5 Animales Blancos de Shaolin. Es psicoterapeuta corporal y transpersonal y ofrece talleres de motivación y trabajo en equipo en empresas y grupos deportivos basados en el desarrollo del SER.
Interesada desde la infancia en la salud, la claridad, el flujo de energía y el espíritu, ha ha sido una aprendiz de la vida y afirma que desde 1993 el Chi Kung ha sido una herramienta fundamental en su día a día.
Debido a que la inspiración de Tessy es el SER HUMANO, ella facilita con alegría los procesos que nos permiten vivir con más placer, armonía, amor y claridad.
Formato y contenido: Videos de práctica y teóricos
Acceso online: Acceso bajo demanda al aula virtual de Ontogony durante un año desde el momento de la inscripción.
Cómo acceder al aula virtual de Ontogony.pdf
Los siguientes requisitos previos son necesarios para comenzar con la inscripción para el Primer Loto Chi Kung:
1. Entiendo completamente que no hay reembolsos, ya que se puede acceder a los materiales del curso para verlos y revisarlos en cualquier momento.
2. Acepto los términos y condiciones y el compromiso con el programa completo, y el pago de la matrícula completa. Cumpliré con mi plan de pago para el cual me comprometo al momento de la inscripción hasta que el monto final se pague en su totalidad.
3. Si en algún momento requiriera poner mi plan de pago en espera o requerir asistencia financiera debido a circunstancias imprevistas, me comunicaré con el Administrador Financiero de Ontogony para reevaluar mi plan. Soy consciente de que esto puede resultar en una suspensión temporal del programa que se reactivará al retomar mis pagos.
4. Estoy de acuerdo en proporcionar una tarjeta de crédito para el pago de mi plan financiero y entiendo que la información está alojada en un portal web seguro y está protegida ya que una vez ingresada la información se oculta para su máxima seguridad.
5. Acepto respetar la privacidad de todo el contenido compartido por Tessy Bardavid, y soy consciente de que los derechos de autor pertenecen a Ontogony Evolution LTD. Entiendo que los materiales del curso: los videos de práctica y teóricos en el aula de Ontogony tienen la función de solo acceso bajo demanda.
Los precios son en dólares canadienses (CAD) e incluyen GST (impuestos sobre bienes y servicios)
OFERTA ESPECIAL: Paquete del Primer y Segundo Loto en PREVENTA:
Primer Loto: Apertura de canales básicos, centros de energía de manos y pies, limpieza y fortificación de energía vital, mejora de la relajación y la salud en general.
Segundo Loto: Abrir y activar los chakras principales, equilibrar los tres doshas, abrir nuevos canales y activar Chi en espiral. FECHA DE LANZAMIENTO: 15 de julio de 2020.
A – Oferta especial del Primer y Segundo Loto Pago Completo: $235 CAD; a pagar al momento de la inscripción.
B – Oferta especial del Primer y Segundo Loto Plan de Pago (tres cuotas): $270 CAD. El primer pago de $90 CAD a pagar al momento de la inscripción; más 2 pagos iguales de $90 CAD, a pagar del 15 de los dos meses siguientes.
El acceso al programa completo está activo durante un año a partir de la fecha de registro
Si te has registrado para este Paquete y deseas renovar tu acceso a cualquiera de los programas incluidos en el paquete, haz clic en los siguientes enlaces para registrarte con la cuota de renovación de acceso para cada programa individual:
Programa secuencial online: Primer Loto Chi Kung
Programa secuencial online: Segundo Loto Chi Kung
- Dispositivo (PC, MAC, tableta o teléfono)
- Conexión de Internet (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);
- Altavoces (dispositivo, conector USB, Bluetooth);
- Si necesitas ayuda técnica, por favor escríbenos a support@ontogony.com.
"La clase de qigong con Tessy es mágica, es un regalo del universo. Es un despertar de sensaciones que antes no sentía, es conexión con uno mismo y con todo lo que nos rodea. Me encanta, entre más lo hago, más quiero aprender y seguir abriéndome a ese sentir y fluir con todo. Tessy es una maestra alegre, paciente, dulce y con mucho conocimiento! Agradezco todas sus enseñanzas!" V. Kusu
"Tengo 10 años practicando Chi Kung, ha sido un descubrimiento maravilloso el como esta disciplina ayuda: al cuerpo físico a recuperar y mantener la salud, a explorar la alegría y el gozo interno de la conexión con la naturaleza y el mundo sutil, así como al autoconocimiento interior. Tessy es una excelente instructora su experiencia de muchos años, su dedicación y amor a la práctica hacen de sus clases sesiones profundas y bellas que permiten sentir la plenitud del momento presente". M. Cruz
"Después de mucho tiempo de buscar un espacio donde me sintiera a gusto finalmente llegue a esta clase, la cual llevo practicando 3 años. He aprendido mucho lo cual me ha ayudado a profundizar en mi crecimiento espiritual. Ha sido la puerta que abrió un cambio en mi vida. No me comprometía con alguna clase de este tipo. Hoy en día espero la clase de Chi kung con mucha emoción y hago todo lo posible por llegar ya que la conexión y la paz que encuentro difícilmente la hay en otro espacio". E. Sevilla
"La práctica de Qi Gong es una experiencia sublime por la cual he logrado integrar en mi cuerpo, Es una forma de incrementar mi energía de una manera sutil y poderosa. Tessy es una maestra que te va llevando de la mano en la enseñanza, transmite su sabiduría desde el amor por lo que le estoy muy agradecida". A. Martínez
"La práctica de 7 lotos fue para mí una linda aventura, la disfruté enormemente. Pude experimentar una transformación de mi energía y mi conciencia. Entre otros frutos el chi kung me ayuda siempre a sentirme bien, más energizada, de mejor humor y con más capacidad de observación. Tessy es una gran maestra, muy dedicada, presente, que te invita a transformar cada clase en una experiencia única". I. Bronsoiler
"Las clases de Chi kung son excelentes y han ayudado a una mejor integración de mi energía. Recomiendo ampliamente este programa ya que con la práctica se logra el avance y beneficio en la vida diaria. Tessy es excelente instructora y sus clases son dinámicas, claras y muy hermosas. Agradezco ser su alumna y poder aprender de sus profundos conocimientos". L. Catán
"Tengo 10 años haciendo chi-kung con Tessy. me ha dado equilibrio en mis emociones, paz mental, fortalecimiento en mi cuerpo físico, y he adquirido un estado de consciencia cada vez más expandido. Tessy es una extraordinaria maestra llena de paciencia, compasión, y divertida.es un ser humano que todo lo que ella enseña en sus clases ella lo lleva acabo en su vida diaria. Ha sido un viaje maravilloso que siempre salgo de la clase feliz y gozosa. ¡Los invito a que se den el regalo de probar!" Ch. Arouesty
"El Chi Kung ha sido una experiencia de reconectar con mi cuerpo, su flujo y empezar a reconocerme desde nuevas posibilidades. La práctica me ha dado más vitalidad y armonía y me ha permitido hacer más contacto con mi vida. Tessy comparte su clase con tal gozo y claridad que te va invitando a reconocer el flujo de energía dentro de ti, abrirlo y alcanzar estados de bienestar en todas nuestras dimensiones". K. Chavez
with Tessy Bardavid
Available Online ~ Access On-Demand!
These online programs introduce a series of Chi Kung practices for healing, transformation and liberation. The 7 Lotus Chi Kung is an energy management system developed by Dr. Carlos de León, creator of Ontogony.
7 Lotus Chi Kung combines postures, breathing, movement and meditation, combined with methods such as visualization and vocalization, to offer a simple and effective approach to increased clarity, energy, awareness and good health. There are 7 progressive levels in this system, each building capacity and well-being.When energy is clean, powerful and coupled with a loving motivation, we have true contact with life and with states of expansion and clarity.
The First, Second & Third Lotus Program bundles a series of exercises to open basic channels, including the energy centres of the hands and feet, activate the main chakras, balancing the three doshas, and opening new channels and activating spiral Chi. Integration of the First and Second Lotus is deepened as you continue the journey with the Third Lotus Sequence; which detoxifies the whole body, balances and activates the energetic flow in the channels, loosens the muscular structure, and develops more balance in the cerebral hemispheres.
Program Objectives
- Explore the effects of improved health, longevity, and harmony in the physical & subtle bodies through the practice of Chi Kung;
- Benefit from an integrated approach to grounding and opening the senses;
- Learn how this system of Chi Kung improves the flow of energy in and around the body;
- Discover how deepening awareness and breath helps manage the stress of daily life;
- Experience how, by integrating the unconscious into conscious awareness, we open our internal flow of energy and prepare the body for greater spiritual development.
Program Components First Lotus Chi Kung ~ Access on Demand in Ontogony Classroom
First Lotus Chi Kung Practice Classes
- Class One: First Lotus Practice Video;
- Class Two: Chi Kung Warm-Up Exercises;
- Class Three: First Lotus Online Sequence Practice (1);
- Class Four: First Lotus Online Sequence Practice (2).
First Lotus Theoretical Classes:
- Class One: Introduction to the Path of 7 Lotus Chi Kung;
- Class Two: Recommendations for your Chi Kung Practice.
Program Components Second Lotus Chi Kung with Tessy Bardavid ~ Access on Demand in Ontogony Classroom!
Second Lotus Chi Kung Practice Classes:
Class One: Second Lotus Practice Video Part 1 ~ Opening, Activating & Harmonizing the Chakras' System;
Second Lotus Theoretical Classes:
Class One: Second Lotus Chi Kung Recommendations for Practice;
Third Lotus Chi Kung Practice Classes
Class One: Third Lotus Practice Video ~ Full Sequence Short Flow;
Third Lotus Theoretical Classes
Learn more about 7 Lotus Chi Kung, an energy management system created by Carlos de León, who received the teachings and practices personally from exceptional masters in various Eastern and Western traditions.
In this presentation, Tessy Bardavid introduces a vision the 7 Lotus Path of Energy Management and Development. This profound system of Chi Kung was developed by Carlos de León, creator of Ontogony.Strengthen your Immune System with Chi Kung~Access on Demand in Ontogony Classroom!
Learn a series of Taoist Chi Kung Practices to enhance your immune system, increase health and well-being, and strengthen and harmonize the flow of energy in the internal organs.
With close to 25 years of experience as a Chi Kung instructor, Tessy Bardavid is the author of five published books and manuals. She has studied with Dr. Carlos de León since 1992 and has dedicated her life to human development in formal and informal education.
She is a body and transpersonal psychotherapist who gives motivational and team-building workshops for companies and sports groups based on the development of the Being. Since l995, Tessy has been an instructor in different styles of Martial Art: White Crane Kung Fu and Five White Animals of Shaolin.
Interested since childhood in health, clarity, the flow of energy, and the spirit, she is a lifelong learner and claims that, since 1992, Chi Kung has been a fundamental tool in her life. Because Tessy's inspiration is the HUMAN BEING, she joyfully facilitates processes that allow us to live with more pleasure, harmony, love, clarity.
Location: Ontogony Classroom
Program Format: Online Practice & Theoretical Videos on Demand uploaded in the Ontogony Classroom.
Agreement with the following is requisite for enrolment in Lotus Chi Kung:
- I am aware that advancement to the next sequence in the 7 Lotus Program is granted when I have completed the ‘Prerequisites for Chi Kung Level Enrolment & Advancement’ as outlined in the next section of the program page.
- I fully understand that there are no refunds for the Lotus Chi Kung programs, inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.
- I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.
- I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.
- Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be reactivated upon commencement of my payments.
- I have agreed to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Tessy Bardavid, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the Practice & Theoretical Videos will all be uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with access function for the presentations.
- I have completed the practices and theoretical review of the prerequisite level/s that are required to advance to the next sequence of Lotus Chi Kung.
- I have submitted the completed questionnaire to info@ontogony.com as required for this sequence and forwarded it for approval by Tessy Bardavid and Ontogony Evolution Ltd. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE QUESTIONNAIRE.
- I have engaged in a personal review with Tessy Bardavid and have been approved to proceed with my enrolment to the next level of the sequential program of the 7 Lotus System of Chi Kung.
Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)
SPECIAL OFFER: Lotus Chi Kung Programs & Bundles. Access to the three full programs are active for one year from the date of registration.
Level 1 - First Lotus: Opening basic channels, energy centres of the hands and feet, cleansing & fortifying vital energy, improving relaxation and general health.
Level 2 ~ Second Lotus: Second Lotus: Opening & activating the main chakras, balancing the three doshas, opening new channels and activating spiral Chi. Access on Demand!
Level 3 ~ Third Lotus: Fortifying the muscles, increasing flexibility, detoxifying the body, loosening body structure, and balancing the hemispheres.
A – Special Offer Payment in Full: $335 is due at the time of enrolment.
B – Special Offer Payment Plan: $385 (Three instalments): First payment of $128.33, is due at the time of registration, plus 2 equal payments of $128.33, due the 15th of the two following months.
Access to the full program is active for one year from the date of registration.
If you have registered for a 'Bundle Offering' and you wish to renew your access to any of the programs included in the package, click in the following links to register for each single program Renewal Access Fees:
Online Sequential Program: First Lotus Chi Kung
Online Sequential Program: Second Lotus Chi Kung
Online Sequential Program: Third Lotus Chi KungPlease ensure that you have the following technical requirements to access the Online Classroom:
- Device (PC, MAC, tablet or phone);
- Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);
- Speakers (device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth);
- If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at support@ontogony.com.
'The Chi Kung class with Tessy is magical, a gift from the universe. It is an awakening of sensations that I did not feel before, as well as, a connection with oneself and with everything that surrounds us. I love it, the more I do it, the more I want to learn and keep opening to that feeling and flow with everything!' V. K.
'I have been practicing Chi Kung for 10 years. It has been a wonderful discovery of how this discipline helps; to recover and maintain health, to explore the inner joy of the connection with nature and the subtle world, as well as self-knowledge. Tessy is an excellent instructor, her experience of many years, her dedication and love to the practice, make her classes deep and beautiful sessions that allow us to feel the fullness of the present moment.' M. C.
'After a long time of looking for space where I felt comfortable, I finally got to this class, where I have been practicing for 3 years. It has helped me to deepen my spiritual growth, a door that opened and changed my life. Today I anticipate the Chi Kung's class with joy and I do my best to attend regularly, as the connection and peace I experience is hard to find.' E. S.
'The practice of Qi Gong is a sublime experience by which I have managed to gather in my body, being aware, and the wonder it is. It is a way to increase my energy in a subtle and powerful way. Tessy is a teacher who takes you by the hand in teaching, conveys her wisdom with love, for which I am very grateful.' A. M.
'I have 10 years doing chi-kung with Tessy. I have brought balance to my emotions, mental peace, strengthening my physical body, and I have acquired an expanded state of consciousness. Tessy is an extraordinary teacher full of patience, compassion, and also funny. She is a human being that everything she teaches in her classes she lives in her daily life. It is a wonderful and joyous journey. I invite you to try this gift!' C. A.
'The practice of 7 lotuses was for me a beautiful adventure, which I enjoyed immensely. I was able to experience a transformation of my energy and my consciousness. Among other fruits, Chi Kung always helps me to feel good, more energized, in a better mood and with more observation skills. Tessy is a great teacher, very dedicated, present, and someone who invites you to live each class into a unique experience.' I. B.
'Chi kung's classes are excellent and have helped to better integrate my energy. I highly recommend the classes because with practice the progress and benefit in daily life are achieved. Tessy is an excellent teacher of Chi kung and her classes are dynamic, clear and very beautiful. I appreciate being her student and being able to learn from her deep knowledge.' L. C.
'Chi Kung has been an experience of reconnecting with my body, its flow and beginning to recognize myself with new possibilities. The practice has given me more vitality and harmony and has allowed me to make more contact with my life. Tessy shares her class with such joy and clarity that she invites you to recognize the flow of energy within you and open it to reach well-being in all our dimensions.' E. C.
with Tessy Bardavid
Available Online ~ Access On-Demand!
These online programs introduce a series of Chi Kung practices for healing, transformation and liberation. The 7 Lotus Chi Kung is an energy management system developed by Dr. Carlos de León, creator of Ontogony.
7 Lotus Chi Kung combines postures, breathing, movement and meditation, combined with methods such as visualization and vocalization, to offer a simple and effective approach to increased clarity, energy, awareness and good health. There are 7 progressive levels in this system, each building capacity and well-being.When energy is clean, powerful and coupled with a loving motivation, we have true contact with life and with states of expansion and clarity.
The First and Second Lotus Program bundles a series of exercises to open basic channels, including the energy centres of the hands and feet, while cleansing & fortifying vital energy and improving general health. Integration of the basic First Lotus is deepened as you continue the journey with the Second Lotus Sequence which activates the main chakras, balances the three doshas, and develops spiral Chi.
Program Objectives
- Explore the effects of improved health, longevity, and harmony in the physical & subtle bodies through the practice of Chi Kung;
- Benefit from an integrated approach to grounding and opening the senses;
- Learn how this system of Chi Kung improves the flow of energy in and around the body;
- Discover how deepening awareness and breath helps manage the stress of daily life;
- Experience how, by integrating the unconscious into conscious awareness, we open our internal flow of energy and prepare the body for greater spiritual development.
Program Components First Lotus Chi Kung ~ Access on Demand in Ontogony Classroom
First Lotus Chi Kung Practice Classes
- Class One: First Lotus Practice Video;
- Class Two: Chi Kung Warm-Up Exercises;
- Class Three: First Lotus Online Sequence Practice (1);
- Class Four: First Lotus Online Sequence Practice (2).
First Lotus Theoretical Classes to Support your Chi Kung Practice ~ Access on Demand in Ontogony Classroom
- Class One: Introduction to the Path of 7 Lotus Chi Kung;
- Class Two: Recommendations for your Chi Kung Practice.
Program Components Second Lotus Chi Kung with Tessy Bardavid ~ Access on Demand: July 15, 2020
Second Lotus Chi Kung Practice Classes
- Class One: Second Lotus Online Sequence Practice (1);
- Class Two: Second Lotus Online Sequence Practice (2);
- Class Three: Second Lotus Online Sequence Practice (3).
Second Lotus Theoretical Classes
- Class One: Second Lotus Theoretical Class (1);
- Class Two: Second Lotus Theoretical Class (2);
- Class Three: Second Lotus Theoretical Class (3).
Learn more about 7 Lotus Chi Kung, an energy management system created by Carlos de León, who received the teachings and practices personally from exceptional masters in various Eastern and Western traditions.
In this presentation, Tessy Bardavid introduces a vision the 7 Lotus Path of Energy Management and Development. This profound system of Chi Kung was developed by Carlos de León, creator of Ontogony.Strengthen your Immune System with Chi Kung~Access on Demand in Ontogony Classroom!
Learn a series of Taoist Chi Kung Practices to enhance your immune system, increase health and well-being, and strengthen and harmonize the flow of energy in the internal organs.
With close to 25 years of experience as a Chi Kung instructor, Tessy Bardavid is the author of five published books and manuals. She has studied with Dr. Carlos de León since 1992 and has dedicated her life to human development in formal and informal education.
She is a body and transpersonal psychotherapist who gives motivational and team-building workshops for companies and sports groups based on the development of the Being. Since l995, Tessy has been an instructor in different styles of Martial Art: White Crane Kung Fu and Five White Animals of Shaolin.
Interested since childhood in health, clarity, the flow of energy, and the spirit, she is a lifelong learner and claims that, since 1992, Chi Kung has been a fundamental tool in her life. Because Tessy's inspiration is the HUMAN BEING, she joyfully facilitates processes that allow us to live with more pleasure, harmony, love, clarity.
Location: Ontogony Virtual Classroom
Date of Online Launch: June 18, 2020
Program Format: Online Practice & Theoretical Videos on Demand uploaded in the Ontogony Classroom
Agreement with the following is requisite for enrolment in the Lotus Chi Kung Programs:
1. I fully understand that there are no refunds for the Lotus Chi Kung Sequences, inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.
2. I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.
3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.
4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be reactivated upon commencement of my payments.
5. I have agreed to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Tessy Bardavid, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the Practice & Theoretical Videos will all be uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with access function for the presentations.
Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)
NEW SPECIAL OFFER: First & Second Lotus Program Bundle Offer:
Level 1 - First Lotus: Opening basic channels, energy centres of the hands and feet, cleansing & fortifying vital energy, improving relaxation and general health.
Level 2 ~ Second Lotus: Second Lotus: Opening & activating the main chakras, balancing the three doshas, opening new channels and activating spiral Chi. Access on Demand!
A – Special Offer Payment in Full: $235 is due at the time of enrolment.
B – Special Offer Payment Plan: $270 (Three instalments): First payment of $90, is due at the time of registration, plus 2 equal payments of $90, due the 15th of the two following months.
Access to the full program is active for one year from the date of registration.
If you have registered for a 'Bundle Offering' and you wish to renew your access to any of the programs included in the package, click on the following links to register for each single program Renewal Access Fees:
Online Sequential Program: First Lotus Chi Kung
Online Sequential Program: Second Lotus Chi Kung
Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements to access the Online Classroom:
- Device (PC, MAC, tablet or phone);
- Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);
- Speakers (device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth);
- If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at support@ontogony.com.
'The Chi Kung class with Tessy is magical, a gift from the universe. It is an awakening of sensations that I did not feel before, as well as, a connection with oneself and with everything that surrounds us. I love it, the more I do it, the more I want to learn and keep opening to that feeling and flow with everything!' V. K.
'I have been practicing Chi Kung for 10 years. It has been a wonderful discovery of how this discipline helps; to recover and maintain health, to explore the inner joy of the connection with nature and the subtle world, as well as self-knowledge. Tessy is an excellent instructor, her experience of many years, her dedication and love to the practice, make her classes deep and beautiful sessions that allow us to feel the fullness of the present moment.' M. C.
'After a long time of looking for space where I felt comfortable, I finally got to this class, where I have been practicing for 3 years. It has helped me to deepen my spiritual growth, a door that opened and changed my life. Today I anticipate the Chi Kung's class with joy and I do my best to attend regularly, as the connection and peace I experience is hard to find.' E. S.
'The practice of Qi Gong is a sublime experience by which I have managed to gather in my body, being aware, and the wonder it is. It is a way to increase my energy in a subtle and powerful way. Tessy is a teacher who takes you by the hand in teaching, conveys her wisdom with love, for which I am very grateful.' A. M.
'I have 10 years doing chi-kung with Tessy. I have brought balance to my emotions, mental peace, strengthening my physical body, and I have acquired an expanded state of consciousness. Tessy is an extraordinary teacher full of patience, compassion, and also funny. She is a human being that everything she teaches in her classes she lives in her daily life. It is a wonderful and joyous journey. I invite you to try this gift!' C. A.
'The practice of 7 lotuses was for me a beautiful adventure, which I enjoyed immensely. I was able to experience a transformation of my energy and my consciousness. Among other fruits, Chi Kung always helps me to feel good, more energized, in a better mood and with more observation skills. Tessy is a great teacher, very dedicated, present, and someone who invites you to live each class into a unique experience.' I. B.
'Chi kung's classes are excellent and have helped to better integrate my energy. I highly recommend the classes because with practice the progress and benefit in daily life are achieved. Tessy is an excellent teacher of Chi kung and her classes are dynamic, clear and very beautiful. I appreciate being her student and being able to learn from her deep knowledge.' L. C.
'Chi Kung has been an experience of reconnecting with my body, its flow and beginning to recognize myself with new possibilities. The practice has given me more vitality and harmony and has allowed me to make more contact with my life. Tessy shares her class with such joy and clarity that she invites you to recognize the flow of energy within you and open it to reach well-being in all our dimensions.' E. C.
Online con Carlos de León
En español
¡Acceso gratuito durante 30 días!
Para registrarte al programa completo de Entrenamiento en Sanación Ontogónica, haz clic aquí.Ve la primera clase del "Programa de Entrenamiento de Sanación Ontogónica" y explora un camino que conduce al más profundo sentido de sí mismo; que pone en marcha una transformación personal real y positiva.
- Sesiones uno a tres: Tu Energía Sutil y la Sanación
El Dr. Carlos de León presenta el camino y la visión de "Sanación Ontogónica", ya que se refiere al proceso de completarse. La sanación da una experiencia de mayor paz, equilibrio y libertad. Darnos cuenta de más de nuestro verdadero potencial es una parte esencial de nuestra evolución y crecimiento espiritual.
El programa completo de Sanación Ontogónica se presenta en seis áreas:
Auras y Anatomía Sutil: Anatomía del Aura y Patología del Aura.
Metodología de Pruebas y Medición.
Técnicas de Limpieza y Tecnología de Protección.
Fuentes y Desarrollo de tu Energía de Sanación.
- Prácticas de Tara Blanca: Sanación, Protección, y Longevidad.
Rescate de Almas.
Prácticas de Tonglen.
Sanación Elemental.
Vasos de Prosperidad.
Vasos para Equilibrar la Tierra.
Luz Para las Almas en Pena.
7 Meditaciones Sin Límites.
Chi Kung Mitsung.
Técnicas Mitsung de Luz Búdica.
Buda de la Medicina.
- Purificación Cabalista:
- Purificarse a sí mismo.
- Purificar a otros.
- Purificar el Árbol Familiar.
- Purificar objetos.
Técnicas Cabalistas de Sanación.
Generar “buen” Karma.
Remover Obstáculos Kármicos.
Purificar el Karma.
Remover Limitaciones Internas.
Trascender el Karma.
El Programa completo en línea es para quienes quieren:
- Conocerse a sí mismos, sanar su realidad actual y/o abrirse al poder de transformación.
- Estudiar las profundidades de la Sanación como camino espiritual y terapéutico.
- Integrar los objetivos de Conciencia, Energía, Awareness, y la conexión con la Creación Divina.
- Aprender a cultivar Compasión, Conocimiento, Poder Personal, Servicio y, lo más importante de todo, Entrega a la Gracia Divina.
- Experimentar un proceso continuo de crecimiento y transformación en un camino de sanación adaptado al desarrollo personal del alumno.
- Reconectar con la magia del gozo, el juego, el asombro y la creatividad, que traen deleite a la vida diaria a través de las prácticas de Sanación.

Formato: Acceso a la primera clase del Grupo de Crecimiento en línea ~ Sanación Ontogónica
Material: Video de 2 horas y media - Bajo demanda
- Dispositivo (PC, MAC, tableta o teléfono
- Conexión de Internet (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps)
- Altavoces (dispositivo, conector USB, Bluetooth);
- Si necesitas ayuda técnica, por favor escríbenos a support@ontogony.com
No hay reembolsos por programas en línea (ya que se puede acceder a los materiales del curso para verlos y revisarlos en cualquier momento). Una vez que se haya registrado para el Sanación y / u otro Programa en línea, ha aceptado los Términos y condiciones y se ha comprometido con el programa completo, y debe pagar la matrícula completa.
Las cancelaciones y transferencias están disponibles de la siguiente manera:
Si desea continuar con su solicitud para retirarse del programa, tenga en cuenta que no se aceptará su participación en otros programas con el Dr. Carlos de León.
En circunstancias especiales, se le puede permitir al estudiante quedarse con los créditos o transferirlos a otra persona. Las solicitudes deben enviarse por escrito a Ontogony Evolution LTD (info@ontongy.com) y se evaluará caso por caso. Los créditos deben usarse dentro de un año del programa original.
Online with Carlos de León
Access On-Demand!
Bundle Offer is available to Students who have completed Shamanism Year One, the application process, and received approval from Carlos de León.
DEVELOP YOUR MAGICAL SELF... Shamanism is one of the oldest and richest of humanity’s spiritual traditions, dating back in various cultures to the beginning of time. The Shaman finds divine inter-connection everywhere and in everything. No phenomenon nor any person is isolated from all of creation.
SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR TWO) The second year deepens the fundamental vision of Shamanism in Ontogony, completing a map for each student as a guide for safely exploring the Shamanic dimensions. Because one can easily get lost in all the different worlds and experiences, a map serves as a personal reference point to support future exploration. The Second Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation offers the following: SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR THREE) The third year continues the goals of enhancing the foundational principles of Shamanic practice and mastery of the remaining techniques. Teachings are accompanied by a virtual trip around the world learning from various traditions their unique approaches to Shamanism, Healing, and Magic.
Bundle Offer is available to Students who have completed Shamanism Year One and received approval from Carlos de León. Contact the Ontogony Team: info@ontogony.com and an email will be forwarded with the PDF Application Form, or CLICK HERE to download the Application which can be completed in advance for your submission. Online Home Studies and Practices: Theoretical Presentation and Exercises presented in the online classes require home study time between sessions, either by yourself or in small groups. This is necessary for full integration of the material
and to hone one’s own dedication and commitment. Class Duration: Twenty Online Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions. Location: Virtual Classroom Program Format: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & downloadable PDFs Format: Online Growth Group of 20 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may extend based on program content and student questions. Language: Hosted in English Location: Web Virtual Classroom Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & downloadable PDFs Agreement with the following is requisite to enrolment in the Year Two & Three of the Live-Streaming Online Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation: 1. I fully understand that there are no refunds for Year Two & Three of the Shamanism Training Program, inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review. 2. I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full. 3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security. 4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be reactivated upon recommencement of my payments. 5. I understand that if my payment plan is in arrears, I will not enrol in other Ontogony Program Offerings so that I do not continue to increase my debt beyond my means. 6. In special circumstances, I may be allowed to bank my credits or transfer them to another individual. Requests for either must be submitted in writing to Ontogony Evolution LTD (info@ontongy.com) and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Banked credits must be used within one year of the originally scheduled program. 7. If for any reason I wish to proceed with a request to withdraw from the program, I understand the consequences of my actions may result in non-acceptance into future programs with Carlos de León. Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes) Attendance and completion of the First & Second year of the Online Training Program with Carlos de León is a prerequisite before continuing in Year Three of the Study Program; which is also the potential pathway to becoming an ‘Ontogonic Shamanic Healing Practitioner’. REGULAR BUNDLE TUITION: SAVE UP TO $224 CAD ON THE REGULAR SINGLE PROGRAM TUITION! A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $1980 CAD; and is due at the time of registration. B – Payment Plan (Five Instalments) ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $2178 CAD. The first payment of $435.60 CAD is due at the time of registration, as of September 1, 2021; plus 4 equal payments of $435.60 CAD, due on the 5th of the following months. C – Payment Plan (Ten Instalments) ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $2376 CAD. The first payment of $237.60 CAD is due at the time of registration, as of September 1, 2021; plus 9 equal payments of $237.60 CAD, due on the 5th of as of the following months. Please Note: All Payment Plans must be secured with a Credit Card that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit. If you have registered for a 'Bundle Offering' and you wish to renew your access to any of the programs included in the package, click in the following links to register for each single program Renewal Access Fees: Online
Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year Two) Live-Streaming
Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year Three)
Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements: Device (PC, MAC, tablet, or phone); Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps); Speakers (device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth). COURSE MATERIALS: PDF Presentation, Audios, Videos with the access function for the videos and audios, and the download option for PDFs. We ask that you respect the privacy of all the content shared by Dr. Carlos de León and be aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com.
The Third Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation offers the following:
NOTE FROM CARLOS: As I created the program for the third year I realized that it may not be possible to complete all the traditions, depending on the speed we take, and the interest of the group. We will have the possibility of studying the remaining traditions that we do not complete, in the final year of the program, but maybe we will finish covering the teachings. It is my hope.
Carlos de León,
the founder of
Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as
Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
Online with Carlos de León
Year One, Two, & Three Access On-Demand!
Bundle Offer is available to NEW Students who complete an application process and are approved by Carlos de León.
DEVELOP YOUR MAGICAL SELF... Shamanism is one of the oldest and richest of humanity’s spiritual traditions, dating back in various cultures to the beginning of time. The Shaman finds divine interconnection everywhere and in everything. No phenomenon nor any person is isolated from all of creation.
SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR ONE) The first year of the study program shares an expanded vision of Shamanism, complemented by various ways to build awareness, energy, personal power, and preparing the student to explore the magical realities. First Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation offers the following: SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR TWO) The second-year deepens the fundamental vision of Shamanism in Ontogony, completing a map for each student as a guide for safely exploring the Shamanic dimensions. Because one can easily get lost in all the different worlds and experiences, a map serves as a personal reference point to support future exploration. The Second Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation offers the following: SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR THREE) The third year continues the goals of enhancing the foundational principles of Shamanic practice and mastery of the remaining techniques. Teachings are accompanied by a virtual trip around the world learning from various traditions their unique approaches to Shamanism, Healing, and Magic.
This Bundle Offer is available to NEW Students who complete the following application process and are approved by Carlos de León. Contact the Ontogony Team: info@ontogony.com and an email will be forwarded with the PDF Application Form, or CLICK HERE to download the Application which can be completed in advance for your submission. Online Home Studies and Practices: Theoretical Presentation and Exercises presented in the online classes require home study time between sessions, either by yourself or in small groups. This is necessary for full integration of the material
and to hone one’s own dedication and commitment. SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR ONE) Class Duration: Thirty Online Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions. Language: Hosted in English Location: Virtual Classroom Program Format: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & downloadable PDFs Class Duration: Twenty Online Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions. Language: Hosted in English Location: Virtual Classroom Program Format: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & downloadable PDFs Format: Online Growth Group of 20 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may extend based on program content and student questions. Language: Hosted in English Location: Web Virtual Classroom Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & downloadable PDFs Agreement with the following is requisite to enrolment in the Year One, Two & Three of the Live-Streaming Online Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation: 1. I fully understand that there are no refunds for Year One, Two & Three of the Shamanism Training Program, inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review. 2. I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full. 3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security. 4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result
in a temporary suspension from the program which will be reactivated upon recommencement of my payments. 5. I understand that if my payment plan is in arrears, I will not enrol in other Ontogony Program Offerings so that I do not continue to increase my debt beyond my means. 6. In special circumstances, I may be allowed to bank my credits or transfer them to another individual. Requests for either must be submitted in writing to Ontogony Evolution LTD (info@ontongy.com) and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Banked credits must be used within one year of the originally scheduled program. 7. If for any reason I wish to proceed with a request to withdraw from the program, I understand the consequences of my actions may result in non-acceptance into future programs with Carlos de León. Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes) Attendance and completion of the first year of the Online Training Program with Carlos de León is a prerequisite for enrolment in Year Two of the Study Program (and the potential pathway to the goal of becoming an ‘Ontogonic Shamanic Healing Practitioner’). REGULAR BUNDLE TUITION: SAVE UP TO $404 CAD ON THE REGULAR SINGLE PROGRAM TUITION! A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $3330 CAD; and is due at the time of registration. B – Payment Plan (Five Instalments) ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $3663 CAD. The first payment of $732.60 CAD is due at the time of registration, as of September 1, 2021; plus 4 equal payments of $732.60 CAD, due on the 5th of the following months. C – Payment Plan (Ten Instalments) ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $3996 CAD. The first payment of $399.60 CAD is due at the time of registration, as of September 1, 2021; plus 9 equal payments of $399.60 CAD, due on the 5th of the following months. Please Note: All Payment Plans must be secured with a Credit Card that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit. If you have registered for a 'Bundle Offering' and you wish to renew your access to any of the programs included in the package, click in the following links to register for each single program Renewal Access Fees: Online
Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year One) Online Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation
(Year Two) Live-Streaming Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of
Liberation (Year Three)
Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements: Device (PC, MAC, tablet, or phone); Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps); Speakers (device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth). COURSE MATERIALS: PDF Presentation, Audios, Videos with the access function for the videos and audios, and the download option for PDFs. We ask that you respect the privacy of all the content shared by Dr. Carlos de León and be aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com.
Understand how the Shamanic path offers a deep understanding of both the ordinary and non-ordinary realities through growing in knowledge and compassion.
The Third Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation offers the following:
NOTE FROM CARLOS: As I created the program for the third year I realized that it may not be possible to complete all the traditions, depending on the speed we take, and the interest of the group. We will have the possibility of studying the remaining traditions that we do not complete, in the final year of the program, but maybe we will finish covering the teachings. It is my hope.
Carlos de León,
the founder of
Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as
Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
Online with Carlos de León
Access On-Demand!
Bundle Offer is available to NEW Students who complete an application process and are approved by Carlos de León.
DEVELOP YOUR MAGICAL SELF... Shamanism is one of the oldest and richest of humanity’s spiritual traditions, dating back in various cultures to the beginning of time. The Shaman finds divine interconnection everywhere and in everything. No phenomenon nor any person is isolated from all of creation.
SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR ONE) The first year of the study program shares an expanded vision of Shamanism, complemented by various ways to build awareness, energy, personal power, and preparing the student to explore the magical realities.
First Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation offers the following:
SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR TWO) The second year deepens the fundamental vision of Shamanism in Ontogony, completing a map for each student as a guide for safely exploring the Shamanic dimensions. Because one can easily get lost in all the different worlds and experiences, a map serves as a personal reference point to support future exploration. The Second Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation offers the following: This Bundle Offer is available to NEW Students who complete the following application process and are approved by Carlos de León. Contact the Ontogony Team: info@ontogony.com and an email will be forwarded with the PDF Application Form, or CLICK HERE to download the Application which can be completed in advance for your submission. Online Home Studies and Practices: Theoretical Presentation and Exercises presented in the online classes require home study time between sessions, either by yourself or in small groups. This is necessary for full integration of the material
and to hone one’s own dedication and commitment. SHAMANISM, A PATH OF LIBERATION (YEAR ONE) Class Duration: Thirty Online Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions. Location: Virtual Classroom Program Format: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & downloadable PDFs Class Duration: Twenty Online Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions. Location: Virtual Classroom Program Format: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & downloadable PDFs Agreement with the following is requisite to enrolment in Year One & Two of the Live-Streaming Online Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation: 1. I fully understand that there are no refunds for Year One & Two of the Shamanism Training Program, inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review. 2. I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full. 3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security. 4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in
a temporary suspension from the program which will be reactivated upon recommencement of my payments. 5. I understand that if my payment plan is in arrears, I will not enrol in other Ontogony Program Offerings so that I do not continue to increase my debt beyond my means. 6. In special circumstances, I may be allowed to bank my credits or transfer them to another individual. Requests for either must be submitted in writing to Ontogony Evolution LTD (info@ontongy.com) and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Banked
credits must be used within one year of the originally scheduled program. 7. If for any reason I wish to proceed with a request to withdraw from the program, I understand the consequences of my actions may result in non-acceptance into future programs with Carlos de León. Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes) Attendance and completion of the first year of the Online Training Program with Carlos de León is a prerequisite for enrolment in Year Two of the Study Program (and the potential pathway to the goal of becoming an ‘Ontogonic Shamanic Healing Practitioner’). REGULAR BUNDLE TUITION EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2021: SAVE $292 CAD ON THE REGULAR SINGLE PROGRAM TUITION! A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $2340 CAD; and is due at the time of registration. B – Payment Plan (Five Instalments) ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $2574 CAD. The first payment of $514.80 CAD is due at the time of registration, as of September 1, 2021; plus 4 equal payments of $514.80 CAD, due on the 5th of the following months. C – Payment Plan (Ten Instalments) ~ Regular Bundle Tuition: $2808 CAD. The first payment of $280.80 CAD is due at the time of registration, as of September 1, 2021; plus 9 equal payments of $280.80 CAD, due on the 5th of the following months. Please Note: All Payment Plans must be secured with a Credit Card that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit. If you have registered for a 'Bundle Offering' and you wish to renew your access to any of the programs included in the package, click in the following links to register for each single program Renewal Access Fees: Online
Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year One) Online
Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year Two)
Understand how the Shamanic path offers a deep understanding of both the ordinary and non-ordinary realities through growing in knowledge and compassion.
Carlos de León,
the founder of
Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in
the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as
Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
Online with Carlos de León
Presented in English
Access On-Demand for 30 Days!
To register for the complete Online Training Program: Ontogonic Healing, click HERE. View the first class of ‘Ontogonic Healing Training Program’ and explore a path leading to the deepest sense of self; one that sets in motion real and positive personal transformation.
Carlos de León introduces the path and vision of ‘Ontogonic Healing’, as it refers to the process of becoming whole. Healing is movement closer to the authentic self; an experience of greater peace, balance and freedom. Realizing more of our true potential is an essential part of our evolution and spiritual growth.
The full and complete ‘Ontogonic Healing Program’ is presented in six areas:
Auras and Subtle Anatomy: Auric Anatomy & Aura Pathology;
Methodology of Testing and Measuring;
Cleansing Techniques and Technology of Protection;
Sources and Development of your Healing Energy.
White Tara Practices: Healing, Protection & Long Life;
Soul Retrieval;
Tonglen Practices.
Elemental Healing;
Prosperity Wealth Vases;
Earth Balancing Vases;
Giving Light to Lost Souls;
7 Limitless Meditations.
Mitsung Chi Kung;
Mitsung Techniques of Buddha Light;
Medicine Buddha.
- Kabbalistic Purification:
- Purifying Oneself;
- Purifying Others;
- Purifying the Family Tree;
- Purifying Objects.
Kabbalah Healing Techniques.
Generating “good” Karma;
Removing Karmic Obstacles;
Purifying Karma;
Removing Internal Limitations;
Transcending Karma.
Carlos de León, the founder of Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
- Device (PC, MAC, tablet or phone) with the ability to stream videos;
- Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);
- Speakers(device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth);
- If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at support@ontogony.com.