20 Online Classes with Carlos de León

Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation
Access On-Demand for 2 Years!

Diploma Series Summer Sale! Enjoy a 40% Discount - Valid until July 31, 2024! 
Save Up to $374 on the Bundled Mini-Series

This series extends and complements courses already offered in English and Spanish, which introduced the fundamentals of dreaming and out-of-body experiences. And, is for anyone seeking a deep immersion into the ”ocean of dreams" to expand the potential of dreaming as a means to expand self-knowledge and personal growth.

Dreaming the Dreamer, a deep immersion into the ”ocean of dreams" is a diploma series that seeks to expand the potential of dreaming as a means to expand self-knowledge and personal growth. Modern psychology has produced several schools and models for dreamwork; techniques used mainly in Gestalt, client-centred, and family therapy. Elaborated theories with manuals for dream interpretation are seldom available in mainstream therapeutic schools, however, suggesting that dreams play a lesser role in these therapies than they do in psychoanalysis.

Carlos, an active dreamer from a very early age, has designed this series in response to his many students' requests for a way to explore, even more deeply, the world of dreams; a way to tap what is an extraordinary resource and, perhaps, find a developmental path as exciting as Ontogony’s original vision. We are explorers and adventurers, and dreaming is one of the most intriguing and potentially beneficial areas of exploration in the human experience. Dreamwork can open doors of wisdom and understanding regarding:

The nature of reality;

The possibility of transforming our experience;

An expanded perception and action in the physical and subtle worlds;

Healing psychosomatic and psychological issues; and

Profound self-knowledge and conscious integration into our True Self.

  • Module One: Dream Interpretation

Explore dream interpretation with the goal of learning to unify the wakeful and non-wakeful states. In unifying non-wakeful and waking "reality," you bring closer the possibility of transcendent joy. Dreams are existential messages, and when we start to understand the oneiric language of dreams, their integrative value can be immense. Every character and every object in a dream represents an aspect of ourselves.

Benefits of Dream Interpretation;

Theoretical Fundamentals in Depth Psychology for Dreamwork;

Dream Incubation and Programming Techniques;

Intellectual Approach Dreamwork Techniques;

Activation Visualization Techniques for Dreaming; 

Deep Relaxation Techniques and Various Approaches for Dream Practice;

Rapid Writing Technique for Dream Interpretation; and

Gestalt Dream Interpretation Technique.

  • Module Two: Dreamwork from a Jungian Perspective

Discover various methods of the Jungian approach to working with dreams. His work provides a very practical modern "mythology." Understanding the basic paradigms and learning to use them leads us to our own "personal myths" and our journey of self-discovery, for which the dreaming process holds many useful clues.

Purpose and Nature of Dreams;

Power and Potential of Dream Analysis;

Obstacles in Dreamwork;

Content of Dreams;

Structure of Dreams;

Dream Language;

Growing through the Practice of Dreamwork; and

Dreaming Techniques.

  • Module Three: Dreamwork through Kabbalah 

This series introduces the fascinating world of the Kabbalah, exploring practical applications for our dreaming and our lives. Learn how developing a Kabbalistic dream practice can accelerate the development of transformative and intuitive powers—practices once known and used by ancient prophets, seers, and sages.

Dreams, the Source, and Origin;

Dreams, their Purpose for a path of Redemption;

The Four Levels of understanding Dreams from the Kabbalistic Perspective;

Practices for Purifying Negative Dreams;

Blessing our Dream World; and

Kabbalistic Dream Techniques.

  • Module Four: Psychic Dreams and Astral Projection

Discover how accessing the worlds of dreaming, psychism & (OBE) opens up extraordinary possibilities and brings benefits throughout our lives. Dreams not only offer a door to our psychic selves; they can be a secret source of vital energy, reminding us of our passion and the joy of life. Lucid dreaming, moreover, empowers the psychic aspect of ourselves, developing our abilities and allowing us to explore different universes and have out-of-body experiences.

Lucid Dreaming;

Psychic Dreams;

Past Lives Memories and Dreams;

Dream Visitations;

Developing Psychic Experiences;

Manifesting through Dreaming;

Resolving Problems and Conflicts in our Dreams;

Receiving Messages from Guides and Teachers; and

Astral Travel.

  • Module Five: Dreams of Vision and Prophecy

This final program in our series addresses the spiritual aspects of dreamwork and, specifically, some of the techniques for spiritual awakening, which is also known as spiritual enlightenment. Spiritual awakening is literally waking up from a trance state of consciousness. It is sometimes described as being "awake within the dream that we call reality—the world of form."

Dreams and Vision Quest;

Nidra Yoga;

Asking for Guidance;

“Crying for a Vision”;

Prophecy and Soul Travel;

Understanding the Principles of Soul Travel;

Merkava in Kabbalah; and

Techniques for Visions and Prophecy.

Teachings are further complemented by experiential online group practices helping to ignite and/or expand your connection to Dreamwork. Whether you are new to the Ontogony Teachings, or you are an advanced practitioner in the world of dreaming, this five-part series is designed to strengthen your bridge to the unconscious, illuminating and furthering the course of your journey.

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Format: Online Series of 20 Sessions (2 to 2.5 hours each). Class times may extend based on program content and student questions.

Location: Ontogony Web Virtual Classroom

Language: Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & Downloadable PDFs

Program Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 2 years from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is necessary for enrolment:

1. I fully understand that there are no refunds or credits for any part of the program, as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.

2. I agree to the Terms and Conditions and am committed to the entire program and payment of the total tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honor my debt from the time of enrollment until the final amount is paid in full.

3. I agree to provide a credit card for my payment plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.  I will confirm receipt of an email from Ontogony with the payment plan agreement. By registering for the program, I acknowledge my agreement with these terms.

4. Should unforeseen circumstances require me to place my payment plan on hold or seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program, which will be restored upon the recommencement of my payments. I understand that a cancellation might result in a $75 CAD Admin Fee.

5. I agree to respect the privacy of all content shared by Carlos de León and acknowledge that Ontogony Evolution LTD holds the copyright. I understand the course materials, including Video, Audio, and Presentation Materials, are uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with access-only functionality for the video and audio presentations.

By registering for the program, I agree to these terms and conditions.
Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)

SUMMER OFFER: Valid Until July 31, 2024!

A – Summer Offer ~ Payment in Full: $510 CAD; and is due at the time of registration.

B – Summer Offer ~ Payment Plan (Two Instalments): $535.50 CAD. The first payment of $267.75 CAD, due at the time of registration; plus one equal payment, due on the 15th of the month following the date of registration.

C – Summer Offer ~ Payment Plan (Five Instalments): $561 CAD. The first payment of $112.20 CAD, due at the time of registration; plus four equal payments, due on the 15th of the months following the date of registration.


A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $765 CAD; and is due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Three Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $803.25 CAD. The first payment of $267.75 CAD is due at the time of registration; plus two equal payments due on the 15th of the months following the date of registration.

C – Payment Plan (Five Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $841.50 CAD. The first payment of $168.30 CAD is due at the time of registration; plus four equal payments due on the 15th of the months following the date of registration.

Please Note: All Payments must be secured with a Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit & Mastercard Debit) that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.

Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 2 years from the time of enrolment.

Access Renewal Fee: This is available for purchase ONLY by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $127.50 CAD is due at the time of the request. This Renewal Fee grants you 2 years of program Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

  • A working recent version of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone which has adequate RAM and memory to support your studies;

  • An operating system for Windows or macOS and the latest versions are the most effective;

  • Reliable internet access, as online courses, require a strong internet connection in order to support your online learning journey;

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com, and a Team Member will reach out to contact you.

Online with Carlos de León
First of the Five Modules: Four Classes

Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation
Access On-Demand for 6 Months!

The first module of our "Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer," emphasizes dream interpretation and offers guidance and direction to those seeking a fuller understanding of the possibilities in dreamwork. Carlos de León explores the world of dreams from both psychological and spiritual perspectives.

We all dream, and you may be surprised to discover the many applications and benefits that our dreams can offer. Dreams are part of us. They are existential messages, and when we start to understand the oneiric language of dreams, their integrative value can be immense. All the elements of a dream are viewed as parts of a person’s persona and contain the rejected, disowned parts of the Self. Every character and every object in a dream represents an aspect of ourselves.

"Our culture has created a gap between wakeful reality and dream reality, when in fact there is a continuum between these two and several others."
~ Carlos de León

Interpretation occurs on several levels: as part of social life, providing interest, contact, and fun; as instruments of problem resolution; as a profound path for self-knowledge or, even, liberation. Dreams are not static. They constantly reorganize, adjusting their meaning to the “here and now".

In our nearly universal desire to understand the nature of our existence, we seek better access to the unconscious. Dreams provide a doorway to our “secret” and a deeper sense of self.

In this series, you explore dream interpretation with the goal of learning to unify the wakeful and non-wakeful states. In unifying non-wakeful and waking "reality," you bring closer the possibility of a transcendent joy, something that cannot be taught, and must be personally discovered!

Goals of the Program

  • Study the rich and profound depths of the oneiric dream world from the physical, energetic, and transpersonal levels of existence;

  • Discover how the practice of ‘Ontogonic Dreaming’ can open a door to extraordinary possibilities and benefits throughout our lives;

  • Learn how developing a dream practice can greatly accelerate the development of awareness and levels of consciousness;

  • Experience the potential to integrate psychological, spiritual, or physical challenges, relief from sleep disorders, increased vitality, compassion, joy, playfulness, and paranormal ability;

  • Receive guidance, practice tools and exercises to advance in the development of dream language and the oneiric world; and

  • Discover the significance, purpose, and practices that support a path of liberation.

Program Components

  • Benefits of Dream Interpretation

  • Theoretical Fundamentals in Depth Psychology for Dreamwork

  • Dream Incubation and Programming Techniques

  • Intellectual Approach Dreamwork Techniques

  • Activation Visualization Techniques for Dreaming

  • Deep Relaxation Techniques and Various Approaches for Dream Practice

  • Rapid Writing Technique for Dream Interpretation

  • Gestalt Dream Interpretation Technique

Teachings are further complemented by experiential online practices to help ignite and/or strengthen your connection to Dreamwork. Whether you are new to the Ontogony Teachings, or you are an advanced practitioner in the world of dreaming, this series is designed to strengthen your bridge to the unconscious, illuminating and furthering the course of your journey.

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Format: Online Series of 4 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions.

Location: Ontogony Web Virtual Classroom

Language: Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & Downloadable PDFs

Program Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is necessary for enrolment:

1. I fully understand that there are no refunds; inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.

2. I  agree to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.

3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan, and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.

4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be restored upon the recommencement of my payments.

5. I agree to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Carlos de León, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the course materials: Video, Audio, and Presentation Materials are uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with an access-only function for the video and audio presentations.

Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)


A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $170 CAD, due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Two Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $178.50 CAD. The first payment of $89.25 CAD, due at the time of registration; plus one equal payment, is due on the 15th of the month following the date of registration.

¡CLICK HERE to Access the Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer (Five Modules)!

Please Note: All Payments must be secured with a Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit & Mastercard Debit) that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.

Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Access Renewal Fee: This is available for purchase ONLY by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $25.50 CAD is due at the time of the request. This Renewal Fee grants you 6 months of program Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

  • A working recent version of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone which has adequate RAM and memory to support your studies;

  • An operating system for Windows or macOS and the latest versions are the most effective;

  • Reliable internet access, as online courses, require a strong internet connection in order to support your online learning journey;

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com, and a Team Member will reach out to contact you.

Online with Carlos de León
Second of the Five Modules: Four Classes

Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation
Access On-Demand for 6 Months!

The second module of our "Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer," emphasizes the Jungian approach and offers guidance and direction for those exploring the resources and possibilities available through dreamwork. Carlos de León brings both psychological and spiritual perspectives to the world of dreaming.

Carl Jung, one of the modern prophets of Dreamwork, gave us a vision that invites us into an endless space of creativity, meaning, and transcendence. His understanding of the collective unconscious and its archetypes produced a deep psychology, surprisingly connected to ancient spiritual teaching. Jung established analytical psychology; advancing the ideas of introverted and extroverted personalities, archetypes, the power of the unconscious, and its use of symbols.

"Our unconscious attempts to reorganize our experience every night in order

to create a more functional, joyful, and creative Self."
~ Carlos de León

His work provides a very practical modern ‘mythology'. Understanding the basic paradigms and learning to use them leads us to our own ‘personal myths’ and our journey of Self-Discovery…for which the dreaming process holds many useful clues.

Archetypes, from a quantum mechanics perspective, are energy patterns that exist in space/time, containing a great condensation of information and a high degree of internal coherence. Thus, to embody an archetype is to access consciously the energy and information contained therein. Accomplishing this implies completion of the individuation process; and a person so psychically complete becomes a living symbol of the archetypes, ready to teach the world. These have been great teachers of humanity.

In this series, we explore various methods of the Jungian approach to working with dreams. Our goal is that you find something useful for your own integration quest. This is the kind of personal and psychological work that holds a promise of transcendent joy…joy that can’t be taught, and is only ever found in one's own unique and personal way!

Goals of the Program

  • Explore techniques which support conscious assimilation of the content of archetypes, from the physical, energetic, and transpersonal levels of existence;;
  • Discover how these archetypes speak to our consciousness through symbols, opening a door to extraordinary possibilities which can benefit our lives up to, and even in, the moments of our death;
  • Learn how developing a dream practice can accelerate the integration of primordial psychic content, inherited through, and contained in, the collective unconscious mind;
  • Experience the Jungian approach which offers the possibility of creating union of the conscious and unconscious minds: an experience of daily wakeful life as a dream and dream life as a conscious part of ourselves; and
  • Receive guidance, along with practice tools and exercises, to advance your dreamwork development, uncover or refine your meaningful purpose, and support the path of liberation.

Program Components

  • Purpose and Nature of Dreams
  • Power and Potential of Dream Analysis
  • Obstacles in Dreamwork
  • Content of Dreams
  • Structure of the Dreams
  • Dream Language
  • Growing through the Practice of Dreamwork
  • Dreaming Techniques 

Teachings are further complemented by experiential online group practices to help ignite and/or strengthen your connection to Dreamwork. Whether you are new to the Ontogony Teachings, or you are an advanced practitioner in the world of dreaming, this series is designed to strengthen your bridge to the unconscious, illuminating and furthering the course of your journey.

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Format: Online Series of 4 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions.

Location: Ontogony Web Virtual Classroom

Language: Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & Downloadable PDFs

Program Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is necessary for enrolment:

1. I fully understand that there are no refunds; inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.

2. I  agree to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.

3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan, and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.

4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be restored upon the recommencement of my payments.

5. I agree to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Carlos de León, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the course materials: Video, Audio, and Presentation Materials are uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with an access-only function for the video and audio presentations.

Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)


A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $170 CAD, due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Two Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $178.50 CAD. The first payment of $89.25 CAD, due at the time of registration; plus one equal payment, due on the 15th of the month following the date of registration.

¡CLICK HERE to Access the Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer (Five Modules)!

Please Note: All Payments must be secured with a Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit & Mastercard Debit) that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.

Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Access Renewal Fee: This is available for purchase ONLY by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $25.50 CAD is due at the time of the request. This Renewal Fee grants you 6 months of program Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

  • A working recent version of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone which has adequate RAM and memory to support your studies;

  • An operating system for Windows or macOS and the latest versions are the most effective;

  • Reliable internet access, as online courses, require a strong internet connection in order to support your online learning journey;

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com, and a Team Member will reach out to contact you.

Online with Carlos de León
Third of the Five Modules: Four Classes

Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation
Access On-Demand for 6 Months!

The third module in our "Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer," emphasizes the Kabbalistic approach and offers guidance and direction for those exploring the resources and possibilities available through dreamwork. 

Kabbalah, being the oral and secret teaching of the Bible, is the hidden pearl in western spirituality, with much to offer in today´s difficult dreamscape. Dreamwork, recently revived in modern psychology, was an established Jewish practice in Old Testament times. The importance given to dreaming is evident throughout the Bible. 

The Bible expresses the belief that dreams contain revelations from on high, which are the dreams of Jacob, Joseph, and Pharaoh in the book of Genesis. The Prophetic Vision, itself, the Bible states comes in a dream (Numbers 12:6).          

The Zohar (1:183a) describes dreams as a form of prophecy— both knowledge from a 'higher source', and a way to access one's innermost “heart thoughts” (hirhurei lev) which, in spiritual terms would be the soul’s yearnings; or, in psychological language, your unconscious. This series introduces the fascinating world of the Kabbalah, exploring practical applications for our dreaming and our lives. The dreaming mind has transformative and intuitive powers, and there are practices that help us unlock them, practices once known and used by ancient prophets, seers, and sages. 

Neither the Hebrew Bible nor our Western esoteric tradition gives us much of a map for the dream teachings, and the path to becoming a Conscious Dreamer is very little known. But Carlos finds that dreaming is not something that takes place merely during sleep! We are dreaming at every moment … and, by teaching the conscious mind to be ‘awake' in our sleeping dreams and the dreaming mind to manifest in daytime awareness, we are able to achieve revolution in consciousness!

By exploring the Kabbalistic approaches, we can learn much about what is going on - beneath the surface of our psyche, beyond the bounds of the linear, “rational” world of our daily lives. And with the rise of spiritual direction in the Jewish world, the time is ripe to revive this powerful spiritual tool. Our goal is that you find something useful for your own integration quest, and is only ever found in one's own unique and personal way!

Goals of the Program

  • Study the depths of the ‘World of Dreaming’ from a very rich Kabbalistic perspective, harkening  back to our biblical ancestors and preserved by the mystics of our tradition;
  • Discover how accessing the dreamscape is an ancient spiritual practice that can open a door to extraordinary possibilities that benefit our lives right up to, and even in, the moments of our death;
  • Learn how developing a Kabbalistic dream practice can greatly accelerate the development of unlocking the dreaming mind's transformative and intuitive powers;
  • Experience how this Kabbalistic practice, which existed before the modern era, is now being revived as a means to receive messages from the Divine; and
  • Receive guidance, along with practice tools and exercises to advance your dreamwork development, uncover or refine your meaningful purpose, and support a path of liberation.

Program Components

  • Dreams, the Source, and Origin 
  • Dreams, their Purpose for a path of Redemption
  • The Four Levels of understanding Dreams from the Kabbalistic Perspective
  • Practices for Purifying Negative Dreams
  • Blessing our Dream World
  • Kabbalistic Dream Techniques

Teachings are further complemented by experiential online group practices to help ignite and/or strengthen your connection to Dreamwork. Whether you are new to the Ontogony Teachings, or you are an advanced practitioner in the world of dreaming, this series is designed to strengthen your bridge to the unconscious, illuminating and furthering the course of your journey.

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Format: Online Series of 4 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions.

Location: Ontogony Web Virtual Classroom

Language: Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & Downloadable PDFs

Program Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is necessary for enrolment:

1. I fully understand that there are no refunds; inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.

2. I  agree to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.

3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan, and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.

4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be restored upon the recommencement of my payments.

5. I agree to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Carlos de León, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the course materials: Video, Audio, and Presentation Materials are uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with an access-only function for the video and audio presentations.

Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)


A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $170 CAD, due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Two Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $178.50 CAD. The first payment of $89.25 CAD, due at the time of registration; plus one equal payment, due on the 15th of the month following the date of registration.

¡CLICK HERE to Access the Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer (Five Modules)!

Please Note: All Payments must be secured with a Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit & Mastercard Debit) that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.

Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Access Renewal Fee: This is available for purchase ONLY by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $25.50 CAD is due at the time of the request. This Renewal Fee grants you 6 months of program Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

  • A working recent version of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone which has adequate RAM and memory to support your studies;

  • An operating system for Windows or macOS and the latest versions are the most effective;

  • Reliable internet access, as online courses, require a strong internet connection in order to support your online learning journey. 

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com, and a Team Member will reach out to contact you.

Online with Carlos de León
Fourth of the Five Modules: Four Classes

Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation
Access On-Demand for 6 Months!

The fourth module of our "Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer," emphasizes psychic dreams and astral projection and offers guidance and direction for those exploring the resources and possibilities available through dreamwork. Carlos de León brings both psychological and spiritual perspectives to the world of dreaming, in a series of online classes.

In the same way that we all dream, we are all psychic…although, normally, both capacities remain largely unconscious in us. What is known as ‘lucid dreaming', is, like yoga, an ancient practice. The first written description occurs in a letter by St. Augustine in 415 A.D. He writes that “your body is asleep, but in your brain, your mind is bright and awake, and awareness is now in your brain’s own created world”. Lucid suggests ‘clear’ but lucid dreaming is much more than just having a 'clear dream'. It involves entering a state where accessing capacities is usually unavailable to our “normal” waking awareness.

"Dreams open the door to self-knowledge, showing us who we are and what we want—our dormant potential—and instructing us on how to awaken it."
~ Carlos de León

Dreams not only offer a door to our psychic selves, they can be a secret source of vital energy, reminding us of our passion and the joy of life; pushing us to seek solutions, transforming our experiences, helping us accept life as it is. Lucid dreaming, moreover, empowers the psychic aspect of ourselves, developing our abilities, allowing us to explore different universes, and have out-of-body experiences.

Throughout recorded history, dreams have been used in rituals for divination, psychic healing, or establishing spirit contact. Dreamwork was directly connected to the gods as is evident from any number of ancient dream practices. Later Christian practitioners managed healing within a "divine sleep, later to be called incubation sleep, designed as a healing tool to reach perfection”. 

In Ontogony, dream practice is an essential component of the path of liberation. It is very much for practitioners wishing to complement their shamanic healing and/or therapeutic processes, further enhance their psychic abilities, and/or expand development of their consciousness levels and the presence of The Observer. Our goal is that you find something useful for your psychic abilities and access to other dimensions, and is only ever found in one's own unique and personal way!

Goals of the Program

  • Study the rich and profound depths of dreaming from the experience of leaving the physical body to explore the subtle realities and offer to heal others;
  • Discover how accessing the world of psychism & (OBE) Out of Body Experiences initiates extraordinary possibilities, bringing benefits throughout our lives up to, and even in, the very moments of our death;
  • Learn how developing a dream practice can greatly accelerate the materialization of the Dream Body powers, and your ability to access parallel realities;
  • Experience how dream practice, can help develop a bridge to be in contact with other beings and teachers from other realms to learn and develop your spiritual practices; and
  • Receive guidance, along with practice tools and exercises to advance in your level of development in dreamwork and discover the significance, purpose, and practices to support a path of liberation.

Program Components

  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Psychic Dreams
  • Past Lives Memories and Dreams
  • Dreams Visitations 
  • Developing Psychic Experiences
  • Manifesting through Dreaming
  • Resolving Problems and Conflicts in our Dreams
  • Receiving Messages from Guides and Teachers
  • Astral Travel

Teachings are further complemented by experiential online group practices to help ignite and/or strengthen your connection to Dreamwork. Whether you are new to the Ontogony Teachings, or you are an advanced practitioner in the world of dreaming, this series is designed to strengthen your bridge to the unconscious, illuminating and furthering the course of your journey.

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Format: Online Series of 4 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions.

Location: Ontogony Web Virtual Classroom

Language: Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & Downloadable PDFs

Program Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is necessary for enrolment:

1. I fully understand that there are no refunds; inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.

2. I  agree to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.

3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan, and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.

4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be restored upon the recommencement of my payments.

5. I agree to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Carlos de León, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the course materials: Video, Audio, and Presentation Materials are uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with an access-only function for the video and audio presentations.

Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)


A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $170 CAD, due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Two Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $178.50 CAD. The first payment of $89.25 CAD, due at the time of registration; plus one equal payment, due on the 15th of the month following the date of registration.

¡CLICK HERE to Access the Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer (Five Modules)!

Please Note: All Payments must be secured with a Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit & Mastercard Debit) that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.

Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Access Renewal Fee: This is available for purchase ONLY by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $25.50 CAD is due at the time of the request. This Renewal Fee grants you 6 months of program Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

  • A working recent version of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone which has adequate RAM and memory to support your studies;

  • An operating system for Windows or macOS and the latest versions are the most effective;

  • Reliable internet access, as online courses, require a strong internet connection in order to support your online learning journey;

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com, and a Team Member will reach out to contact you.

Online with Carlos de León
Fifth of the Five Modules: Four Classes

Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation
Access On-Demand for 6 Months!

This is the fifth module of our "Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer," which emphasizes dreams, visions, prophecy, and the Divine; and offers guidance and direction for those exploring the resources and possibilities through dreamwork. Carlos de León brings both psychological and spiritual perspectives to the world of dreaming, in a series of online classes accessible at your leisure.

This final program in our series addresses the spiritual aspects of dreamwork; and, specifically, some of the techniques for spiritual awakening…which is also known as spiritual enlightenment. Spiritual awakening is literally waking up from a trance state of consciousness. It is sometimes described as being "awake within the dream that we call reality—the world of form".

"In dreams, we can connect to our spiritual side and they can be a gateway to transcendence, hence several traditions have developed meditative and shamanic dream techniques."
~ Carlos de León.

Spiritual awakening is a call to higher consciousness and deeper mental awareness. The process of spiritual awakening evokes a personal transformation and a shift in one’s worldview. When someone goes through a spiritual awakening, there is a shift in their mental framework. We review, in a short but deep exploration, various traditions and experiences, using modern psychological interpretation, starting with the body experiences and going all the way to soul travel on different spiritual planes.

Soul travel is a spiritual practice enabling one to explore the vast inner worlds of your own being whenever and wherever you like. The first step is self-realization: the discovery of who you are and your mission in this life. When this state is attained, you can move into higher realms of divine service, toward God-realization and the fulfillment of the soul’s sacred quest.

Practices of Yoga Nidra allow you to access dream and deep sleep states with consciousness and the “inaccessible" layers of consciousness, tune into the astral body/dream body, and to the experience of Merkava.  The is the Hebrew: “Chariot” also spelled Merkabah, the throne, of God as described by the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1); an object of visionary contemplation for early Jewish mystics. Such a journey expands one's perception of living in an experience of “It’s all a dream!”.

In Ontogony, dream practice is an essential component of the path of liberation, offering practitioners who wish to complement their shamanic healing and/or therapeutic processes, and further enhance development in their levels of consciousness, and the presence of The Observer. 

Goals of the Program

  • Explore the richness of Dreaming and the experiences of Vision and Prophecy, alert to something greater than your existence;
  • Discover how accessing the world of Prophecy and Soul Travel can open a door to extraordinary possibilities and benefits throughout our lives, up to and even in the moment of our death;
  • Learn how developing a dream practice can greatly accelerate the ability to soul travel to parallel realities;
  • Experience how the dream practice of Merkava can help access Divine Guidance and develop one's spiritual resources; and
  • Receive guidance, along with practice tools and exercises, for advancing your level of dreamwork development, and discover the significance, purpose, and practices to support a path of liberation.

Program Components

  • Dreams and Vision Quest
  • Nidra Yoga
  • Asking for Guidance
  • “Crying for a Vision”
  • Prophecy and Soul Travel
  • Understanding the Principles of Soul Travel
  • Merkava in Kabbalah
  • Techniques for Visions and Prophecy

Teachings are further complemented by experiential online group practices to help ignite and/or strengthen your connection to Dreamwork. Whether you are new to the Ontogony Teachings, or you are an advanced practitioner in the world of dreaming, this series is designed to strengthen your bridge to the unconscious, illuminating and furthering the course of your journey.

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Format: Online Series of 4 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions.

Location: Ontogony Web Virtual Classroom

Language: Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access On-Demand), & Downloadable PDFs

Program Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is necessary for enrolment:

1. I fully understand that there are no refunds; inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.

2. I  agree to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.

3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan, and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.

4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be restored upon the recommencement of my payments.

5. I agree to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Carlos de León, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the course materials: Video, Audio, and Presentation Materials are uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with an access-only function for the video and audio presentations.

Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)


A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $170 CAD, due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Two Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $178.50 CAD. The first payment of $89.25 CAD, due at the time of registration; plus one equal payment, due on the 15th of the month following the date of registration.

¡CLICK HERE to Access the Diploma Series: Dreaming the Dreamer (Five Modules)!

Please Note: All Payments must be secured with a Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit & Mastercard Debit) that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.

Access On-Demand: Ontogony Classroom for 6 months from the time of enrolment.

Access Renewal Fee: This is available for purchase ONLY by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $25.50 CAD is due at the time of the request. This Renewal Fee grants you 6 months of program Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

  • A working recent version of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone which has adequate RAM and memory to support your studies;

  • An operating system for Windows or macOS and the latest versions are the most effective;

  • Reliable internet access, as online courses, require a strong internet connection in order to support your online learning journey;

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com, and a Team Member will reach out to contact you.