Opciones de matriculación

Live-Streaming Gatherings with Carlos de León

Friday, October 25, 2024
Friday, November 22, 2024
Friday, December 20, 2024
Friday, January 24, 2025
Friday, February 21, 2025
Monday, March 3, 2025
Friday, April 25, 2025
Friday, May 16, 2025
Friday, June 13, 2025
Friday, September 19, 2025
Friday, October 17, 2025 

Open to All ~ Invite Your Friends!

These are extraordinary times, and Kabbalah offers us incredible strength and justice, providing compassion, calm, and order to situations that might otherwise lead to chaos, destruction, or conflict. Carlos de León invites students and friends of Ontogony to join an online series exploring the Names of God—Adonai and El Shaddai—and their profound spiritual significance.

Understanding the Divine Names: In essence, God has no name. Being infinite, God cannot be fully encapsulated by any title or description. Yet, in creation, God chooses to engage with us—His creatures—and the world at large. To do so, God assumes different manifestations, which we recognize through the various Names of God: Creator, Judge, Merciful One, Master, and more. Each name represents a unique way to experience God's presence. As the Midrash states, "You want to know My name? I am called according to My actions."

Exploring the Names Adonai and EL Shaddai: Kabbalists meditate on hundreds of Divine Names, each revered equally as expressions of the one God. Jewish tradition highlights seven holy names of God that cannot be erased and must be written with unique concentration, each linked to the seven inferior spheres of the Tree of Life. Adonai relates to Malchut and El Shaddai to Yesod—among the closest spiritual realities to our everyday lives.

Every time you invoke "Lord" or "God Almighty," you invoke a specific Divine action, often without realizing it. For instance, in Jewish tradition, "Adonai" is pronounced whenever the Tetragrammaton appears in prayer. Similarly, referring to Jesus as "Lord" (Adonai) carries a deep, specific significance in Christianity.

The Power of Hebrew: The Names of God and the Bible are traditionally written in Hebrew. Translations into other languages can dilute these sacred revelations' original intention and depth. Hebrew letters are not merely symbols; they embody profound spiritual meanings. Understanding these letters can deepen our learning and enhance our spiritual experiences, opening new avenues for insight and growth.

As outlined in the Sefer Yetzirah ("Book of Formation"), the Hebrew alphabet represents divine energy patterns. Kabbalists believe Divine Names' correct permutation and pronunciation can empower individuals to heal, perceive distant events, or even create a golem (a humanoid from clay). The Zohar further emphasizes that every element of the Bible holds multiple levels of meaning, urging us to look beyond the surface.

Program Outline

  • Sessions 1-4: Study and meditate on the individual letters of Adonai.
  • Session 5: Explore and meditate on the complete Name of Adonai.
  • Sessions 6-10: Study and meditate on the individual letters of El Shaddai.
  • Session 11: Meditate on the complete Name of El Shaddai.

Join Us:
Embark on a transformative journey through these eleven live-streamed sessions, available from October 25, 2024, to October 17, 2025. Together, we will deepen our spiritual practice, broaden our consciousness, and cultivate compassion and gratitude through unified meditation on the Names of God.

Register now and experience the transformational power of these ancient sacred practices!

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Location: Ontogony Zoom & Web Virtual Classroom

Gathering Format: Eleven Live-Streaming Online Gatherings (1.5 hours each)

Program Material: Video (Access On-Demand) & Downloadable PDF

Times: 11:00 hours (Vancouver). To ensure you have the correct local time for your classes, please bookmark the following link: Time and Date.


Friday, October 25, 2024
Friday, November 22, 2024
Friday, December 20, 2024
Friday, January 24, 2025
Friday, February 21, 2025
Monday, March 3, 2025
Friday, April 25, 2025
Friday, May 16, 2025
Friday, June 13, 2025
Friday, September 19, 2025
Friday, October 17, 2025

Program Access: Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Classroom for 1.5 years from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is necessary for enrolment:

1. I agree to the Terms and Conditions.

2. I agree to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Carlos de Leon, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD.

3. I understand that the course materials - Videos, and Presentation Materials - are uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with access-only function for the video and audio presentations.

Free Registration

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

  • A recent working version of a computer, tablet, or mobile phone that has adequate RAM and memory to support your studies;
  • An operating system for Windows or macOS and the latest versions are the most effective;
  • Reliable internet access is essential, as online courses require a strong internet connection to support your online learning journey;
  • An adequate web browser such as Google Chrome or Safari and it is also useful to have an antivirus installed;

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com, and a team member will reach out to you.