Program Options

Online with Carlos de León
Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Access On-Demand for 2 Years!

The Ontogonic Body-Mind Transpersonal Therapy Growth Group, in itself, is a complete program for therapists and patients under the Ontogonic model and is essential to understanding the theoretical foundations of the practice.

Year Two is a prerequisite for anyone interested in advancing to Year Three and/or becoming an Ontogonic Transpersonal Body-Mind Therapist. Before acceptance into this program, each student is required to have completed: 1. Ontogonic Body-Mind Transpersonal Therapy (Year One), 2. Reconnection Therapy Process, 3. The application process and received approval from Carlos de León.

Ontogonic Therapy recognizes that liberation is not possible while we are caught by the solid reality patterns of our karma. Deep healing is required for most of us to reclaim and integrate a vision that allows us to create a new reality; a reality no longer governed by neurosis and karma, but by Love, Freedom, Grace, and Enjoyment.

Year Two teaches the techniques most commonly used in Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapy and is specifically for therapists and therapists in training. Students must have completed their Reconnection Therapy process (with an approved therapist), as a prerequisite to continuing in this program and demonstrate a serious commitment to the deeper study of our therapy applications.

It acts to complement the Therapists’ Training conducted live and in person, by Carlos and/or any of the therapy trainers in Ontogony. The program is structured in series of twelve classes covering the theoretical foundations of Ontogony Body-Mind Therapy, and the teaching principles of related Ontogonic Techniques.

General Theory:

  • History and Directions of Psychotherapy
  • Methods
  • Alien Complexes
  • Levels and Goals in Personal Therapy
  • The Stress Response
  • Defence Mechanisms
  • Transference and Counter-Transference
  • Ontogonic Therapy Principles & Ethics

Program Objectives:

  • Explore the vision and learn the principles of Ontogonic Body-Mind Transpersonal Therapy; what can offer as an expansion of therapeutic skills, and as an avenue for personal growth and healing;

  • Learn practical applications of spiritual and psychological technology to facilitate self-knowledge and help integrate the divided self;

  • Discover a therapeutic path addressing the Humanistic, Transpersonal, and Holistic aspects of the individual: i.e. Body, Mind, Energy, Emotion, and Spirit.

Program Components:

  • Module 1 ~ Body Centred Therapy

Introduction to Ontogonic Therapy

Stages in the Therapeutic Process

Elements of the Diagnosis and the Interview

Emotional Expression Exercises

Emotional Reconnection

Bioenergetic Postures

  • Module 2 ~ TEP (3 Levels)

TEP l, ll & lll (Tiferet Eje Psico-Corporal) Psycho-Corporal Axis

  • Module 3 ~ Evolutionary Grounding Process

  • Module 4 ~ Rebirthing

  • Module 5 ~ Pranic Centred Therapy

Chakra Therapy

  • Module 6 ~ Dream Therapy

Dream Work

Dream Interpretation

  • Module 7 ~ Mental Centred Therapy

Mental Reconnection

  • Module 8 ~ Symbolical Centred Therapy

Reorganization of the/ Mental Flow Therapy using Images

Eidetic Therapy

Eidetic Past Life Therapy

  • Module 9 ~ Consciousness Centred Therapy

Awareness Reconnection

LFP (Life Flow Process) Death & Grief

Guided Visualization (Therapeutic Trance)


  • Module 10 ~ Systemic Centred Therapy

Family Issues Therapy - Parents & Siblings

Ontogonic Family Mandala

  • Module 11 ~ Sexual Therapy

Sexual Energetic Therapy

  • Module 12 ~ Transpersonal Centred Therapy I

Ontogonic Chod



  • Module 13 ~ Transpersonal Centred Therapy II

Jyoti (Divine Light Applications: Atma - Maya - Deva - Kal)

  • Module 14 ~ Transpersonal Centred Therapy III

RA: Rapid Assimilation

Click here to download the Ontogonic Body Mind Transpersonal Therapy Training Program Informational Package

PLEASE NOTE: While this program is the basic prerequisite for further advanced training in this field and the possibility of certification, attendance in the Online Body-Mind Transpersonal Therapy Program does not guarantee acceptance into the following levels of training. Carlos de León reserves the right to individually assess and determine appropriateness and compatibility. 

The following steps are required to be accepted into the Year Two of the training program:

Step One: Complete a Personal Reconnection Process with an Approved Therapist/s, covering a minimum of 120 hours of personal therapy. In this term, achieve the goals of each Module as set forth by Carlos de León.

Step Two: Step Two: The Reconnection Therapist will provide a letter of completion on your personal process and recommend you to the Ontogonic Year Two Program with Carlos de León.

Step Three: Your Application, forwarded to Carlos de León for his approval, should include the following:

A. Your reasons and motivation for participation in the Training Program.

B. CV of related experience both personal & professional.

C. Current Photograph

D. Completion of 'Survey Questions' regarding your personal experience of the process of therapy, and accomplishment of goals of each module. (Sent from Ontogony Evolution Ltd on behalf of Carlos de León).

Carlos de León, the founder of  Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as   Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Format: Online Growth Group of 14 Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may extend based on program content and student questions.

Language: Presented in Spanish with Simultaneous English Translation

Location: Ontogony Web Virtual Classroom

Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access on-demand), & downloadable PDFs

Program Access: Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Classroom for 2 years from the time of enrolment.

Agreement with the following is requisite for enrolment in ONTOGONIC BODY-MIND TRANSPERSONAL THERAPY ONLINE PROGRAM:

1. I am aware that advancement to the Second Year of the ONTOGONY BODY-MIND TRANSPERSONAL THERAPY PROGRAM is granted by Carlos de León.

2. I fully understand that there are no refunds for the ONTOGONY BODY-MIND TRANSPERSONAL THERAPY ONLINE PROGRAM (Year Two), inasmuch as the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review.

3. I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full.

4. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security.

5. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be reactivated upon commencement of my payments.

6. I have agreed to respect the privacy of all the content shared by Carlos de Leon, and am aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. I understand the course materials: Videos, Audios and Presentation Materials will be uploaded in the Ontogony classroom with access only function for the video presentations.

Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)

REGULAR TUITION OFFER: Valid after October 14, 2021

A – Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $780 CAD, due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Five Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $858 CAD. The first payment of $171.60 CAD is due at the time of registration; plus 4 equal payments, due on the 5th of each month following the date of registration.

C – Payment Plan (Ten Instalments) ~ Regular Fee: $936 CAD. The first payment of $93.60 CAD is due at the time of registration; plus 9 equal payments, due on the 5th of each month following the date of registration.

Please Note: All Payment Plans must be secured with a Credit Card that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.

Program Access: Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Classroom for 2 years from the time of enrolment.

Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements:

Device (PC, MAC, tablet, or phone);

Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);

Speakers (device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth).

COURSE MATERIALS: We ask that you respect the privacy of all the content shared by Dr. Carlos de León and be aware that the copyright is held by Ontogony Evolution LTD. 

If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at

“An awakening and discovering of the Self, like no other I have experienced. Be prepared to be amazed at every twist and turn of the adventure…”

“It has been a wonderful experience…the warmth and joy of sharing was a blessing of a strong and confronting fight with ‘myself”. What a blessing to have Carlos as our Teacher guiding us on this path…”

“Personal transformations, expansion, and growth are seamlessly integrated into a loving and safe environment. What initially felt like a leap of faith, in fact, strengthened my faith in a graceful way. Expectations are shed and the path illuminated. My ability to see love is unbound. I am forever grateful…

"This therapy process has changed my life as I removed the veils that covered my vision of myself. I got the courage to make the changes in my life that I needed to, and now I am filled with happiness and enthusiasm…”