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with Dr. Carlos de León

Hosted on October 22, 2018 

In this presentation, Dr. Carlos de León introduces the vision of Traditional Chinese Medicine and shares the principle and techniques for promoting yin-yang harmony in the body. As a result building capacity for natural healing and dissolving blockages in the flow of life force energy. In more familiar western terms, restoring the natural ability of the patient to overcome illness.

Dr. Carlos de León, the founder of Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...