with Carlos de León
Available Online ~ Access On-Demand!
The practice of lucid dreaming opens or reopens the door to extraordinary possibilities and benefits. These include greater clarity and control, the potential resolution of psychological, physical, or spiritual challenges; increased vitality, compassion, joy, playfulness and paranormal ability.
In this Live Streaming Weekend Workshop, Carlos teaches the “subtle” anatomy of the Dream Body. Students explore the universe of dreaming, the function and importance of dreams, techniques for working with dreams and dreaming, and out-of-body experiences.
While “lucid” means “clear,” lucid dreaming means much more than having clear dreams; accessing, as it does, capacities not usually available in the “normal” waking state. By investing in and developing a dream practice, one can greatly accelerate the development of awareness and multiply the fruits achieved through meditation and even self-therapy. It can also be a source of wonder, power and mind-blowing fun!
Workshop Hi-lights:- Study the technique and meanings of Lucid Dreaming from the physical, energetic and transpersonal levels of being;
- Learn how developing a dream practice accelerates the development of Awareness;
- Discover how the practice of Lucid Dreaming opens, or reopens, a door to extraordinary possibilities and benefits;
- Experience this path of development as offering greater clarity and control, the potential resolution of psychological, spiritual and physical challenges, relief from sleep disorders, enhanced vitality, compassion, joy, playfulness and paranormal ability.
Carlos de León, the founder of Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
Online Program Format & Content: 4 Part Workshop Series ~ Video & Audio Sessions with PDFs
Online Access: Access On-Demand in the Ontogony Classroom for One-Year from the time time of enrolment.
Program Material: Videos & Audios (Access on-demand), & downloadable PDFs
Date of Online Launch: October 17, 2019
Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)
Payment in Full ~ Regular Fee: $158 CAD, due at the time of registration.
Please Note: All Payment Plans must be secured with a Credit Card that we can enter in our Secure Banking System or an Automated Paypal Deposit.
Access Renewal Fee: This is available only for purchase by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $23.70 CAD is due at the time of registration. This Renewal Fee grants you 3 months of program access on-demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.
Please ensure that you have the following technical requirements to access the Online Classroom:
- Device (PC, MAC, tablet or phone);
- Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);
- Speakers (device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth);
- If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at info@ontogony.com.
with Dr. Carlos de León
Dates: December 12, 2019 to March 24, 2022
Begin the journey to become an Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapist. Learn both the deep theory regarding psychological and therapeutic process and the profound techniques for integration and transformational healing.
Part of what distinguishes Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapy is its recognition that liberation is not possible while we are caught by the solid reality patterns of our karma. Body type, or “characterology,” represents a part of that karma: and is particularly difficult to break, physically and energetically, because we have learned to identify so completely with it. Deep healing is required for most of us to reclaim and integrate a vision that allows us to create a new reality: a reality no longer governed by neurosis and karma, but by Love, Freedom, Grace and Enjoyment.
Thus, in this Second Year of the Training, students get to confront their own and one another’s patterns. Ultimately, each student has opportunities to act both as therapist and as client; receiving supervision from Carlos, with observation by and feedback from the group. By engaging experientially in this way, the deepest aspects of the therapeutic process are explored, technique is polished, and one’s understanding of the principles of Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapy, further clarified and refined.
The Program is structured in Five 6-Day Intensives, several of which are held in a residential retreat setting. (For students who did not complete their Reconnection: OBMT Year One with Carlos and/or those desiring to audit specific modules only, a secondary application is required for registration. See below.)
Each of the 6-Day Intensives typically includes: Teaching of several specific techniques • Feedback and supervision • Demonstrations • Free style therapy, depending in the group process • Polishing and refinement of the roles as therapist and patient. (For specific module content see the date listings below)
Program Content and Objectives:
General Theory:
- History and Directions of Psychotherapy Methods
- Alien Complexes
- Levels and Goals in Personal Therapy
- The Stress Response
- Defence Mechanisms
- Transference and Counter-Transference
- Ontogonic Therapy Principles & Ethics
Ontogonic Therapy Techniques
- Defence Mechanisms & Ontogonic Family Constellation
- TEP l, ll & lll (Tiferet Eje Psico-Corporal) Psycho-Corporal Axis
- MFR (Mental Flow Reorganization) & Imagery Therapy
- Eidetic Therapy
- Jyoti (Divine Light Applications: Atma - Maya - Deva - Kal)
- Ontogonic Chod
- RA (Rapid Assimilation)
- Vipassana
- LFP (Life Flow Process) Death & Grief
- Evolutionary Grounding Process
- Sexual Energetic Therapy
- Cosmic Orgonomy
Location: Ontogony Centre - Non-Residential
Dates: December 12 thru 17, 2019; Thursday thru Tuesday
Module 1 ~ TEP l, ll. lll
Module 2 ~ Defence Mechanisms / Parents / Chod
Location: Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre - Residential
Reserve your Lodging: Book here!
Dates: March 8 thru 13, 2020; Sunday thru Friday
Module 3 ~ Sexual Therapy
7-DAY INTENSIVE #THREE: 5 Nights and 6 Days ~ Starting at 4:00 pm on the 3th of December and concluding at 1:00 pm on the 8th
Residential Location: Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre
Reserve your Lodging: Book here!
Dates: December 3 thru 8, 2020; Thursday thru Tuesday
Module 4 ~ Ontogonic Family Constellation
Module 5 ~ Toxic Parents
Module 6 ~ Eidetic Therapy
Module 7 ~ RA Theory & Practice
5-DAY INTENSIVE #FOUR: Starting Daily at 10:00 am on the 3rd of February and concluding on the 8th at 8:00 pm
Non-Residential Location: Suite Genius Mt. Pleasant 225 W 8th Ave #300, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3
Dates: February 3 thru 7, 2021; Wednesday thru Sunday
Module 8 ~ Jyoti: Atma - Maya - Deva - Kal
Module 9 ~ Chod Theory & Practice
Module 10 ~ Imagination in Therapy
Module 11 ~ Reorganization of the Mental Flow
6-DAY INTENSIVE #FIVE: 5 Nights and 6 Days ~ Starting at 4:00 pm on the 7th of March and concluding at 1:00 pm on the 12th
Residential Location: Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre
Dates: March 7 thru 12, 2020; Sunday thru Friday
Module 12 ~ Evolutionary Grounding Process
Module 13 ~ Life Flow Process (LFP) & Grief and Death
Please Note: A course requirement is the completion of the Ontogonic Reconnection Body-Mind Program (Year One).
If you are interested in applying for the Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapy Year Two Program starting on December 12, 2019, we invite you to complete the OBMT Training Application Form and forward it to info@ontogony.com)
All applications must be confirmed by Dr. Carlos de León for attendance in the Body-Mind Therapy Training Program. (This does not guarantee acceptance into the following levels of training). Dr. Carlos de León reserves the right to assess and determine appropriateness and compatibility on an individual basis.
Dr. Carlos de León, the founder of Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
Module One: December 12 thru 17, 2019; Thursday thru Tuesday
Non-Residential Hosted at the Ontogony Centre
Module Two: March 8 thru 13, 2020; Sunday thru Friday
Residential Hosted at Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre
Module Three: December 3 thru 8, 2020; Thursday thru Tuesday
Residential Location: Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre 14500 Silver Valley Road, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R3
TEL: 604-463-8149 | FAX: 604-463-2712
Module Four: February 3 thru 7, 2021; Wednesday thru Sunday
Non-Residential Location for Intensive Three & Four: Suite Genius Mt. Pleasant
225 W 8th Ave #300, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3
Module Five: March 7 thru 12, 2021; Sunday thru Friday
Residential Location: Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre 14500 Silver Valley Road, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R3
TEL: 604-463-8149 | FAX: 604-463-2712
Please note this Growth Group is hosted in both Residential and Non-Residential locations. Therefore, we outline the Fees for the Tuition and the Lodging Options separately, so you can choose either A or B in each for your choice regarding Payment and Lodging.
Time: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Non-Residential Location for Intensive One: Ontogony Centre
2667 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC
Non-Residential Location for Intensive Three: Suite Genius Mt. Pleasant
225 W 8th Ave #300, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1N3
Residential Location: Loon Lake Lodge & Retreat Centre
14500 Silver Valley Road, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R3
TEL: 604-463-8149 | FAX: 604-463-2712
Program Format: One-Year Growth Group of 5 Intensive Modules of 6-Days
Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars:
A – Payment Plan Early Bird Fee: $6,500 + GST ($6,825), after September 15, 2019 ~ $7,000 + GST ($7,350).
B – Payment Plan Early Bird Fee: Payment Plan Early Bird Fee: $6,000 + GST ($6,300), after September 15, 2019 ~ $6,500 + GST ($6,825).
C – Payment in Full Early Bird Fee: $5,500 + GST ($5,775), after September 15, 2019 ~ $6,000 + GST ($6,300).
Please Note: Early Bird Rates are Valid Until: on September 15, 2019 at which time the deposit fee is due to secure your space in the program!
“Attending the Ontogony programs have been the most transformative experience of my life. I wish that everyone could have the opportunity to live this opportunity at some point in their life.”
“It has been a wonderful experience…the warmth and joy of sharing and the strong confrontation with ‘myself”. What a blessing to have Carlos as our Teacher and Guide on this path.”
with Dr. Carlos de León
Dates: April 10 to May 22, 2019
This evening series embarks you on a process designed to dissolve chronic tensions, energetic blockages, and past karmic imprints in each chakra; to heighten your awareness of patterns and pure emotion and subtle layers of reality.
Chakra - from the Sanskrit for ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’ - refers to the central energy nodes of the subtle body. Inspired by the work of Harish Johari in the area of Tantric Chakra Psychology and by Wilhelm Reich’s work with Character Armour and Orgone flow (Life Energy, Prana or Chi), we see how each Chakra relates to specific psychological and physical issues. By working with the technique of “Nadic Dance” – a system of muscular, energetic and respiratory mechanics based on a Kundalini yoga — we use simple exercises to increase the energy flow and provoke the Kundalini energy to travel to specific Chakras.
By thus activating possible blockages in the chakras and adding a Body-Mind Therapy approach which invites conscious awareness and expression of the repressed and neurotic material, this profound approach facilitates an integration at multiple levels: physical, psychological and energetic.
This series of evening sessions embarks you on a process designed to dissolve chronic tensions, energetic blockages and past karmic imprints in each chakra; to heighten your awareness of patterns and pure emotion and subtle layers of reality. The goals, which apply both therapeutically and meditatively, include extending the capacity for joy and freedom in our bodies and our lives.
Program Hi-Lights:
Understand how this approach (Nadic Dance) uses Kundalini as the activator and healing agent of our unconscious experience;
Dr. Carlos de León, the founder of Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...
Dates: Wednesdays, April 10, 17, 24 & May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2019
Time: 7:00 to 9:30 pm
Location: Ontogony Centre, 2667 West Broadway, Vancouver BC
Program Format: Series of 7 Evening Sessions
Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars:
Early Bird Tuition: $395 + GST ($414.75); before March 20, 2019; after this date $450 + GST ($472.50)