Program Options

Online with Carlos de León
Presented in English

Access On-Demand for 2 Years!

DEVELOP YOUR MAGICAL SELF... Shamanism is one of the oldest and richest of humanity’s spiritual traditions, dating back to various cultures since the beginning of time. The Shaman finds divine interconnection everywhere and in everything. No phenomenon or person is isolated from all of creation.

NOTE: Completing the Online Growth Group Training, Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year One) with Carlos de León is a prerequisite for registering for the Online Group Training Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year Two). 

Shamanism invites us to explore, through our conscious experience and our instinctual wisdom, the very nature of “reality”; to expand ordinary perceptions of the world, alter our preconceptions, and prepare for a leap into unknown worlds and other dimensions.

This Path of Liberation is a journey to discover who we are, and who we might be. Through exploring the Shamanic Universe we uncover levels, beyond the physical that reveal possibilities for our future development. It is a time of surprises, magic, and tools for deepest healing, even at the level of the soul. 

By moving into the realms of the unknown, the Great Mystery, a personal transformation is set in motion: an infusion of meaning and direction, a capacity to share and inspire, a desire to help, to be an agent for change and growth.  

What does it take to become a Shamanic Healer? Year One provides the foundation. In ten specific areas, this training offers the theoretical foundations and experiential practices that support the formation of a Shamanic Healer and Practitioner. As a valuable training Year One can stand alone, and the 3-year certificate program rests on this foundational year.

First Year of Shamanism, a Path of Liberation:

1. Self Knowledge:

  • Understand how the Shamanic path offers a deep understanding of both the ordinary and non-ordinary realities through growing in knowledge and compassion;
  • Experience the worlds of the Shamanic Universe and the unique tools for personal growth, spiritual awakening, and liberation;
  • Become aware of Self-Importance and how Power can be a “trap” that blocks your evolution;
  • Develop your observer and expand your capacity for clarity and awareness through: Altered States of Consciousness and Shamanic Trance, Shamanic Meditation, Talking to our Unconscious Mind, Developing Intuition, Dream Work Practices.

2. Management of Energy:

  • Understand models of Subtle Energy Anatomy;
  • Learn Principles of Energy Management;
  • Deepen Energy Awareness and Shamanic Taoist Chi Kung;
  • Integrate the Practice of Crystallization of the Five Elements;
  • Discover the ancient art of “Energy Crossings”.

3. Psychic and Divinatory Skills:

  • Open the psychism of Touch, Feeling, and Seeing (direct and indirect vision);
  • Develop divination techniques with 'Energy Sensing', and the practice of the 'Earth Mirror’ (Magical Mirror, first level);
  • Basic Techniques to open the Third Eye ;

4. Shamanic Principles:

  • Understand the vision of Cultivation, Transformation and Creation;
  • Study and learn the principles of Orgonomy;
  • Learn the theoretical and healing application of Radionics;
  • Discover the power of Sound and the Voice as used in Magic;
  • Explore the power of Ceremonies and Rituals;
  • Understand the technology behind Power Objects;
  • Discover the beauty, magic and healing that Power and Sacred places offer.

5. The ‘Ontogonic Healing Program’ is included and presented in six areas:

  • Session One to Three : Your Subtle Energy and Healing

Auras and Subtle Anatomy: Auric Anatomy & Aura Pathology;

Methodology of Testing and Measuring;

Cleansing Techniques and Technology of Protection;

Sources and Development of your Healing Energy.

  • Session Four to Six : Healing your Heart and Soul

White Tara Practices: Healing, Protection & Long Life;

Soul Retrieval;

Tonglen Practices.

  • Session Seven to Nine : Healing the Earth

Elemental Healing;

Prosperity Wealth Vases;

Earth Balancing Vases;

Giving Light to Lost Souls;

Limitless Meditations. 

  • Session Ten to Twelve : Healing with Buddhic Light

Mitsung Chi Kung;

Mitsung Techniques of Buddha Light;

Medicine Buddha.

  • Session Thirteen to Fifteen : Healing with Divine Light

Kabbalistic Purification:

Purifying Oneself;

Purifying Others;

Purifying our Family Tree;

Purifying Objects.

Kabbalah Healing Techniques.

  • Session Sixteen to Eighteen : Healing Your Karma

Generating “good” Karma;

Removing Karmic Obstacles;

Purifying Karma;

Removing Internal Limitations;

Transcending Karma.

This Online Training Program is for people who want to:

  • Explore the depths of Shamanism and Healing as a spiritual and therapeutic path to know the Self and a greater reality;
  • Integrate goals of Consciousness, Clarity, Energy, Awareness, and the connection to Divine Creation;
  • Discover a personal experience the cultivation of Compassion, Knowledge, Personal Power, Service and, most importantly, surrendering to Divine Grace;
  • Experience an ongoing process of growing and transformation through Shamanism, a path which is adapted to the personal development of the student;
  • Reconnect to the magic of joy, play, wonder, awe, and creativity, and bring delight into their daily lives through learning and practicing Magic.

The completion of the Online Training Program Shamanism, a Path of Liberation (Year One) with Carlos de León and a personal follow up by one of the Ontogony Team Members, are prerequisites for anyone interested in registering to the Online Training Program Shamanism a Path of Liberation (Year Two); and becoming an ‘Ontogonic Shamanic Healing Practitioner’, and receiving a certificate at the completion of the 3-Year Program. 

Online Home Studies and Practices: Theoretical Presentation and Exercises presented in the online classes require home study and practice time between sessions. This is suggested for full integration of the material and to hone one’s own dedication and commitment.

Carlos de León, the founder of Ontogony, holds Ph.D.’s in both Clinical Psychology and Holistic Medicine. Dr. de León has spent more than 40 years in related research, study, and practitioner experience, particularly in the area of personal transformation. As the founder of the Mexican Association for Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Development, he teaches and, perhaps more significantly, has developed the model known as  Ontogony: an inquiring discipline for the research, study, and development of liberating tools and paradigms. Read more...

Class Duration: Thirty Online Sessions (2.5 hours each). Class times may vary based on program content and student questions.

Location: Virtual Classroom

Program Format: Videos (access on demand), Audios & PDFs

How to Access the Ontogony Virtual Classroom.pdf

Tuition Fees in Canadian Dollars (CAD) inclusive of GST (Goods & Services Taxes)


A – Payment in Full: $1500 CAD, is due at the time of registration.

B – Payment Plan (Five Instalments): $1650 CAD; first payment of $330 CAD, is due at the time of registration, plus 4 equal payments of $330 CAD, are due on the 15th of the following months, as outlined in payment plan.

C — Payment Plan (Ten Instalments): $1800 CAD; first payment of $180 CAD, is due at the time of registration, plus 9 equal payments of $180 CAD, are due on the 15th of the following months, as outlined in payment plan.

Please Note: All Payment Plans must be secured with a Credit Card that we can enter in our Secure Banking System.

Access Renewal Fee: This is available only for purchase by students who have previously enrolled in this program. The fee of $105.00 CAD is due at the time of registration. This Renewal Fee grants you 2 years of program access on-demand in the Ontogony Online Classroom.

Agreement with the following is requisite for enrolment in Year One of the Online Growth Group: Shamanism, a Path of Liberation: 

1. I fully understand that there are no refunds for Year One of the Shamanism Training Program, since the course materials remain accessible for viewing and review. 

 2. I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions and I am committed to the full program and payment of the full tuition. If on a payment plan, I will honour my debt from the time of enrolment until the final amount is paid in full. 

 3. I agree to provide a credit card for the payment of my financial plan and understand that my information is held in a secure web portal and hidden for maximum security. 

 4. Should unforeseen circumstances at any time require me to place my payment plan on hold or require me to seek further financial assistance, I will contact the Financial Administrator to reevaluate my situation. I am aware that this may result in a temporary suspension from the program which will be reactivated upon recommencement of my payments. 

 5. I understand that if my payment plan is in arrears, I will not enrol in other Ontogony Program Offerings, so that I do not continue to increase my debt beyond my means. 

  • Device (PC, MAC, tablet or phone) with the ability to use Zoom with audio and video;
  • Internet Connection (1.5 Mbps/1.5 Mbps);
  • Speakers (device, USB plug-in, Bluetooth);
  • If you require further technical assistance, please contact us at